What was your typical diet before you lost weight?



  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Whatever I wanted, WHENEVER I wanted. My exercise was non existent. :blushing:
    Now I try to stick to about 1600 calories or under a day and stay under my carbs and fat goals. I visit the the gym once a week for a couple of hours, I excersise for at least 60 minutes 5 days a week and have one rest day. I've never felt better! :wink:
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    My highest weight ever was about 10 years ago, 400 lbs. At that time, I was eating fast food for at least two meals a day. Snacks were typically ice cream, handfuls of chocolate from family size bags, and butter flavour microwave popcorn with extra butter added. Honestly, I don't know how I wasn't really sick back then.

    I lost quite a bit of weight, but when I decided to lose weight this time around, I was at about 370 lbs. I had got into the mindset that I wasn't eating as terribly as I was before, so how could I have gained that weight back?! (Because I didn't understand calories, that's how) I was eating big bowls of sugary kids' cereals for breakfast, pasta or jacket potatoes with tuna and loads of mayo, or cheese, onion and loads of mayo for lunch, and snacks were candybars, mini pies, cakes, and ice cream. Dinners were pretty much the same as my dinners now - meat, potatoes, veg, pasta, curries, casseroles... I'm just more concious of portion size, "healthier" ingredients, and using less cheese and butter and things.

    Exercise at both points was non-existent. Now, I do 4 hours of pole dance classes a week, plus I try to do Jillian Michaels workouts on at least 4 days during the week.
  • leomcdee
    leomcdee Posts: 60 Member
    I hit my highest weight 3 weeks ago, at 13 stone. my frame is naturally very petite, so I just looked awful.

    Pre-MFP I would eat takeout once or twice a week, convenience food like frozen pizzas, homemade meals with loads of oil, cheese and no portion control whatsoever. But the worst part was the binges on sweet food; biscuits, cake, chocolate, candy... you name it, I gorged on it.

    I'd have lunch (which was typically a HUGE 500+ cal sandwich and maybe some crisps) and then I'd eat 10 mini donuts, without even thinking about it. Then I'd have dinner and eat chocolate or biscuits for dessert - a whole pack of oreos, a whole (large bar) of galaxy - there was no off button.

    Now, I eat very controlled portions, I don't binge and I've cut way back on adding oil and cheese to my meals. Oh, and I haven't eaten out or had takeaway in 3 weeks. Though that will change this weekend as we're off on holiday :laugh:

    Exercise, well: I work from home, so some days the only exercise I would get, is walking from the sofa to the kitchen. I didn't make an effort to workout, and actually, I was quite often out of breath (a combination of asthma and any physical exertion, I guess). Now, I swim, walk lots and dance. I feel so much better already!