May I breakdown for a moment......

mamastuck Posts: 131
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
So I have been on tis journey since November 7th. My life was going well things seemed to be looking up and I was confident. BUT now I am daughter was diagnosed with Apergers multiple issues at school and home. My immediate family doesnt understand at all!. I was laid off from my job add more stress. I fell sick. My finances went from me being able to help others to now maybe no xmas at all in just 2 months! I am sad depressed and stuffing myself till I puke...........I dont know what to do I cant even stop crying depression at its finest.......please please give me some hope and encouragement Please


  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    That is so sad. But if we had no setbacks, we would not appreciate reaching our goals as much. You are still here; you still have your daughter. I'll have you in my prayers. This too shall pass. Although it may look bleak at the moment. I empathize with your pain now.
  • lbewley3
    lbewley3 Posts: 96 Member
    So sorry to hear of your many struggles, especially at Christmas. Please remember that food doesn't solve anything and will only make you feel worse later. If you can force yourself, try to get a little exercise, even just a walk might help.
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    I am so sorry about all the stress in your life, i hope things get sorted out soon. Heres a verse that i find comforting
    I Peter 5:7: Cast your cares/burden upon him, cos he cares for you.

    Dont know if your religious, but pray (just speak words, even if you dont think God is listening, he is). Its good your reaching out.

    Many blessings.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Im only going to say one thing. that I want you to remember when going through this.

    Does food fix your problem?

    Now, Im sorry for all your problems that you having right now but they will eventually pass. You will start back up that climb to the top of your life roller coaster. We all have them and we all ride in the front seat of our own. You are the one that makes the decisions so instead of eating yourself into a depression and wasting all the hard work you have done up to this point you need to make ACTIVE steps in a more positive direction. You eat to feed your body not your emotions. Ask yourself when you are about to binge how this action will help bring you closer to your goals. You must feel better about yourself to be strong for your daughter! Do that by staying healthy. If your body is healthy your mental state will soon follow. Stay on track and stay positive!

    You can do this!
  • MrsVerhaeghe
    MrsVerhaeghe Posts: 46 Member
    Life throws you trials and they are hard! When things like this happen to me (things that are hard to handle) i find comfort in the fact that I can control my food and exercise when nothing else seems to be in my control. You just gotta keep going and push through it. It will only make you a a stronger person if you do! Keep pushing on, you can do it. You have come this far and there is no point in giving up now!
  • Keep your head high. Life can sometimes deal out more than we think we can handle, but you will pull through. I use craiglist and to search for new jobs. Please try and stay positive and remember things can be worse. Not always the advice we want to hear but the truth none the less. Good luck
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    my son was diagnoised with asperger's when he was 3. we did some intense therapies with him, including chelation therapy, physical therapy, sensations rebooting, picture schedules, social skills scripting, taking him completely off casien and gluten (gluten didn't make a difference but casien did), etc. at age 6, we had him re-evaluated and he was no longer on the spectrum. see if there is a d.a.n. doctor (defeat autism now!) in your area. and remember, if hunger isn't the problem, food is not the solution.
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    You are ALLOWED to break down!!! I know it seems so hard right now, and it feels like nothing can fix this for you.. and you are right to feel like this. Soon, you will feel better, and because you seem like such a strong person, and such an understanding mother, you will overcome this, when you are ready.

    I don't think anyone can ever be prepared to here their child has Autism, its devastating, but it will make you a stronger person because of it. I know it is a cliche, but I honestly believe it is true, "we are never given anything we can not handle". Rely on people, educate yourself on everything you can, look to your community - and if you ever need anything, PLEASE msg me :)

    Keep your chin up pretty mama :)
  • SisterC
    SisterC Posts: 121 Member
    Ahhh, life is so trying some times! While everyone has difficulties in life; just know that you are in charge of your eating. And stuffing yourself with everything to try to dull the pain doesn't me on that! And Asperger kids are special...they tend to look at life so different than the son has, just love his sense of humor and his caring ways. Yes, he does have some odd behaviors but they are odd to the rest of the world and not to him. He is comfortable with who he is...and he is a fantastic kid! Super intelligent...skipped a grade in school and is now in colllege. Sure he has some social issues...but he is out there doing his best and adjusting to life. College is three hours from home. He was diagnosed in about first grade and I was researching everything I could to help the school and us understand why he acted why he did...the teachers were so impressed with his personality once they understood he had Aspergers. He once told me that he is wouldn't be who he is without it...since he knows no other way of living. You need to stay strong; your child needs you. Do everything you can to help and understand your child...learn ways to help her cope with situations...I am so glad my son has been able to teach so many others about Aspergers; it is an opportunity for growth. He has been involved with sports, band, choir, and many other groups at school...I wouldn't trade him for the world...and I am grateful that he has taught me so much about taking the time to understand what others may be dealing with in life. Good luck to you and God bless! Hugs, SisterC
  • I am really sorry for what your going through. I have had moments in my life where literrally everything falls apart at once. But what I do know from experience is that turning to food, will only make a bad situation worse. I don't know if you have ever watched "The biggest loser," but there was a woman on the show named Abby. Well Abby's story was extremely touching, Abby's husband, 5 year old daughter, and 1 month old son were all killed in a car accident. And Abby turned to food and weighed i think around 250. Until one day she decided it was time to get out of the darkness and lose 100 lbs and her life changed. I used to turn to food and now when I am extremely sad I go walking. After I watched her story, I thought that if she can do it, so can I. By exercising you will release more endorphins into your brain causing you to be happy with the seroton level being raised. Also theres a book called "Excuse me, your life is waiting." It is about positive thinking and how when you think positive, positive things happen. It is such an amazing book, and it changed my life for the best possible way. And I really believe that if you read it, it will help you. You can check Borders or Amazon for when they have free shipping and find it in a used section of the site so it will cost very minimum.
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