Fatigue when training

As a bit of a yo yo fitness and good food person i am struggling a bit at the moment. I used to have a really good training routine but got into bad habits and am now struggling to get back to good habits. I have found recently though that i feel like i am flagging in the middle of my routines/classes and struggle to get to the end. Also sometimes when i push myself through a class i end up shaking quite a bit and that is disconcerting. Does anyone have any advice how to help my performance or what to eat before/after a work out to stop this happening?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    How much are you eating daily?
  • megs2999
    megs2999 Posts: 5 Member
    between 1300 and 1600 ideally but has been around 1800 some days
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I have had this recently a bit, where I have run out of puff on long rows or it might be boredom.

    There are various articles looking at whether you should train on an empty stomach or not. Giile them and you will see the conflicting views.

    If you are running out of puff is it due to being unfit or you lack the energy?

    If its out of shape then you just have to adjust till you get fitter or shorten your workout. It should still be pushing you.

    If its energy then maybe you arent being supplied from food in which case make sure you have eaten enough complex carbs to supply you with steady enegry through the day. No idea what you are eating with your bad habits. If that has run out then consider eating a banana some time before you exercise which should give you the energy. Keep hydrated.

    Eat some proteing after gym.


    There are plenty of other articles on this. Try it and see how you get on.
  • megs2999
    megs2999 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks 999tigger

    I think it is a mixture of being unfit and not eating correctly before training. Thanks for the link :)