Can't stay motivated

Hi guys! I just joined this site yesterday and I REALLY want to keep at it. Often times I find myself working hard and doing great on eating very healthy and being active for 2 or 3 weeks. Then I will just eat junk and get really lazy for a month or so. I am so tired of this bad habit! I am ready to lose a little weight, get toned and stronger, and really just look great!

I'm having a hard time remembering what I have eaten/drank during the day. This morning I woke up at 5am, went to work, then at 9am I was writing down what I had eaten/drank so far and I couldn't even remember! Any tips?

Would love to make lots of friends here as I like to check facebook/email constantly. I feel as though if I make friends here and have to keep coming back to check messages, then I will keep being reminded to exercise and eat right!! :happy:


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    A great idea is to plan out your meals ahead of time. Try to log them the night before or 1st thing in the morning - you can print the food diary out to have a paper copy. Obviously this requires a little advanced planning, but it really does help and is totally worth it! At the end of the day or periodically you can go in and add/change anything that didn't go as planned (ex. you added mayo to your sandwich or ended up going out for lunch with coworkers instead of eating what you brought, etc.)
  • kempshepard
    I have the app on my phone. I am able to look up calories before I eat. I have the iPhone and it seems to be easy to navigate.
  • mcruse
    There is a site called You can purchase this small book to keep with you and track your food. Also my sister-in-law does something very cool. She decides how she will spend her calories. Why waste calories on junk food? She reads the calories and decides if it's worth it. She has even thrown away food after one bite. Read the calories or use your cell phone to look it up. CalorieKing also has this cool small pocket sized book with millions of food calorie counts. Maybe if you know HOW much you are consuming it might help you make better choices. This is your lifestyle. Best.
  • ZombieGreaser
    I've only started this today, but I can already see that planning my meals and snacks ahead of time is the way to go. I also have the mobile app.
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    hey there's nothing name cant, u can do it. it does take discipline and committment like anything else.1st why do u wanna lose the wgt? if its for an occassion then u not gonna last, if its for health ur on a better track . ur at the rgt place 4 motivation but at the end of the day u have 2 do it on ur own. preplan ur meals and if you have an i-pod use that 2, however that doesn't register to the net unless u have internet service when doing so.:smile:
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    the mobile ap is the way to go if you have a smart phone! the iphone update was so cool this time giving you an average of your weekly calories. i love it
  • snowness
    Hi, I don't know if anyone else said this but it could help you if you write down what you consume as you consume it. If you don't have have the app, a notbook or a place in your phone to put notes you could jot them down in there. This will help with making sure that you have everything written down and succeed at accurately tracking your calories for the day. If you want to feel free to add me as a friend on here :)
  • ammp
    ammp Posts: 107 Member
    I'm big on writting it down BEFORE I eat it, because I tend to overestimate before I eat it than after. If I haven't measured something, or have a guarenteed cal count on it, I tend to think it's bigger than it was before I inhale it. So my 1.5c serving is 2c in my mind. If I eat it first, then maybe it was only 1c - my eye to brain link is way off :ohwell:
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    All awesome suggestions! I do have a notebook to use but the difficult part is when I am at work. I am not able to carry anything with me, especially not a phone (My phone can't use apps of any kind anyhow). Today I just had a scrap of paper that I wrote down foods on. It seemed to work decently.

    I really need to bring my own food to work! Since I work at a convenience store it's junk junk junk junk for sale! Candy bars and soda, yuck. I'm thinking about bringing a measuring cup in to see what is a cup or not, I'm not very good at eye-ing it :)
  • rula39
    rula39 Posts: 26
    I have an App on my phone and that makes a great difference for me. But I can have all the gadgets and my eating habits are sometimes bad for weeks before i get back on the track. And its not that I don't know what I need to do. It is very frustrating.... But I just can't stop and no madder how hard I fall I have to get back up. Good luck and just stick to it no madder how many times we fall. I think of it as a toddler that keeps falling down trying to walk but one day u see them running...