Indoor cardio, what do you do?



  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    i jog around the house for 25 minutes. i also been meaning to buy a jump rope
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    I do a range from my elliptical and workout dvds such as
    -Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metablolism
    -Biggest loser Last Chance workout LEV 3
    -Biggest Loser Boot Camp Lev 3
    -Biggest Loser Power Sculpt Lev 3
    -Biggest Loser Cardio Max Lev 3

    Also on January 1st i am going to embark on the P90X 90 day Challenge. If anyone would like to join with me come to the message board at
  • SillySarah
    I'd love to hear what others do for indoor cardio. I can't afford the gym, and it's FREEZING outside, and will be for the next 3 months!

    I've been doing some dancing and I have resistance tubes to get some strength training in. Any other ideas?

    I take spin classes at my local Y 3X per week. The instructor is awesome. I always feel like I get the most for my time. He totally kicks our butts!

    I also do a lot of high rep bodyweight moves. If I go fast enough through them, I always sweat a ton.

    Check out this website for at home workout ideas: