15 Days In - Have Not Lost Any Weight



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member

    Great post, yes those white carbs will get ya! Glycemic Index counts, and these white carbs just make you hungry all day long. They are very addictive.

    :noway: like crack? I like how every thread degenerates to blaming glycemic index and sugar.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there's REALLY no reason to worry about them. Logging everything you eat accurately and diligently is KEY. For weight loss it really is calories in vs out.

    For health, moderation is a factor. Finding foods that help you meet your macro/micro goals are important.

    I've been known to eat pints of gelato in a sitting. I've lost 53 lbs.

    Where's my fairy wand?

    ETA: Learning to find foods that are satiating is an important factor to making this sustainable as well. As is not picking an overly aggressive calorie deficit.

    Nope it does matter big time......so what if you can eat icecream all day long! Doesn't matter,most people can not! You say it's for diabetics only to worry about this, what about preventing Diabetes?


    I have studied this high and low, and doctors everywhere are talking about this. Go eat your icecream.

    Lmfao. Who said I eat ice cream aaaall day? Nice strawman. Most people CAN fit these foods you're labeling bad into their day. Of course I'm not advising those with medical conditions to partake in this way. Even those with diabetes can have sugar, it just has to be regulated more than those without.

    Prevention starts with maintaining your health, not pointing fingers at foods. Did you not read the part about moderation and balance? Just jumped on my pints. Don't blame ya. Ice cream is tasty.. .


    I just want to commend you on the use of the word "strawman." Not seen often. :smile:

    Why thank you

  • wthetri01

    Great post, yes those white carbs will get ya! Glycemic Index counts, and these white carbs just make you hungry all day long. They are very addictive.

    :noway: like crack? I like how every thread degenerates to blaming glycemic index and sugar.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there's REALLY no reason to worry about them. Logging everything you eat accurately and diligently is KEY. For weight loss it really is calories in vs out.

    For health, moderation is a factor. Finding foods that help you meet your macro/micro goals are important.

    I've been known to eat pints of gelato in a sitting. I've lost 53 lbs.

    Where's my fairy wand?

    ETA: Learning to find foods that are satiating is an important factor to making this sustainable as well. As is not picking an overly aggressive calorie deficit.

    Nope it does matter big time......so what if you can eat icecream all day long! Doesn't matter,most people can not! You say it's for diabetics only to worry about this, what about preventing Diabetes?


    I have studied this high and low, and doctors everywhere are talking about this. Go eat your icecream.

    Lmfao. Who said I eat ice cream aaaall day? Nice strawman. Most people CAN fit these foods you're labeling bad into their day. Of course I'm not advising those with medical conditions to partake in this way. Even those with diabetes can have sugar, it just has to be regulated more than those without.

    Prevention starts with maintaining your health, not pointing fingers at foods. Did you not read the part about moderation and balance? Just jumped on my pints. Don't blame ya. Ice cream is tasty.. .


    Yes, in moderation! By the way your name calling is just nasty, I am a 22 year Air Force Veteran in the Air Force....just nasty
  • Connie366
    Connie366 Posts: 9 Member
    Same thing happened to me. Turns out I'm extremely carb sensitive and I need to stay around 20g of carbs a day to see a loss on the scale. Also, watch your sodium and drink 64oz of water a day.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member

    Great post, yes those white carbs will get ya! Glycemic Index counts, and these white carbs just make you hungry all day long. They are very addictive.

    :noway: like crack? I like how every thread degenerates to blaming glycemic index and sugar.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there's REALLY no reason to worry about them. Logging everything you eat accurately and diligently is KEY. For weight loss it really is calories in vs out.

    For health, moderation is a factor. Finding foods that help you meet your macro/micro goals are important.

    I've been known to eat pints of gelato in a sitting. I've lost 53 lbs.

    Where's my fairy wand?

    ETA: Learning to find foods that are satiating is an important factor to making this sustainable as well. As is not picking an overly aggressive calorie deficit.

    Nope it does matter big time......so what if you can eat icecream all day long! Doesn't matter,most people can not! You say it's for diabetics only to worry about this, what about preventing Diabetes?


    I have studied this high and low, and doctors everywhere are talking about this. Go eat your icecream.

    Lmfao. Who said I eat ice cream aaaall day? Nice strawman. Most people CAN fit these foods you're labeling bad into their day. Of course I'm not advising those with medical conditions to partake in this way. Even those with diabetes can have sugar, it just has to be regulated more than those without.

    Prevention starts with maintaining your health, not pointing fingers at foods. Did you not read the part about moderation and balance? Just jumped on my pints. Don't blame ya. Ice cream is tasty.. .


    Yes, in moderation! By the way your name calling is just nasty, I am a 22 year Air Force Veteran in the Air Force....just nasty

    Where did I name call? Strawman was in reference to your arguement....
  • Summerztyme
    Summerztyme Posts: 3 Member
    Are you active during the day? If not, a 1200- 1280 cal diet may benefit you.... Another way I found to jump start weight loss is implementing squats after or before cardio. I would do about 5 sets of 10 (weighted) or when I did not use weights I would lunge for 10 minute and do about 25-50 squats after a workout. See if this helps.. If you try this, I would like feedback to see if this works for you. Good Luck! ....Oh and I wish I was 181! I am also 5'"6 :)
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Straw Man - "A straw man is a common type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on the misrepresentation of an opponent's argument."

    It's a debate thing and sometimes a writer's thing.

    I learned about straw men and red herrings in writing class about a hundred years ago.
  • wthetri01

    Great post, yes those white carbs will get ya! Glycemic Index counts, and these white carbs just make you hungry all day long. They are very addictive.

    :noway: like crack? I like how every thread degenerates to blaming glycemic index and sugar.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there's REALLY no reason to worry about them. Logging everything you eat accurately and diligently is KEY. For weight loss it really is calories in vs out.

    For health, moderation is a factor. Finding foods that help you meet your macro/micro goals are important.

    I've been known to eat pints of gelato in a sitting. I've lost 53 lbs.

    Where's my fairy wand?

    ETA: Learning to find foods that are satiating is an important factor to making this sustainable as well. As is not picking an overly aggressive calorie deficit.

    Nope it does matter big time......so what if you can eat icecream all day long! Doesn't matter,most people can not! You say it's for diabetics only to worry about this, what about preventing Diabetes?


    I have studied this high and low, and doctors everywhere are talking about this. Go eat your icecream.

    Lmfao. Who said I eat ice cream aaaall day? Nice strawman. Most people CAN fit these foods you're labeling bad into their day. Of course I'm not advising those with medical conditions to partake in this way. Even those with diabetes can have sugar, it just has to be regulated more than those without.

    Prevention starts with maintaining your health, not pointing fingers at foods. Did you not read the part about moderation and balance? Just jumped on my pints. Don't blame ya. Ice cream is tasty.. .


    Yes, in moderation! By the way your name calling is just nasty, I am a 22 year Air Force Veteran in the Air Force....just nasty

    Where did I name call? Strawman was in reference to your arguement....

    It's actually spelled argument.....done with this.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member

    Great post, yes those white carbs will get ya! Glycemic Index counts, and these white carbs just make you hungry all day long. They are very addictive.

    :noway: like crack? I like how every thread degenerates to blaming glycemic index and sugar.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there's REALLY no reason to worry about them. Logging everything you eat accurately and diligently is KEY. For weight loss it really is calories in vs out.

    For health, moderation is a factor. Finding foods that help you meet your macro/micro goals are important.

    I've been known to eat pints of gelato in a sitting. I've lost 53 lbs.

    Where's my fairy wand?

    ETA: Learning to find foods that are satiating is an important factor to making this sustainable as well. As is not picking an overly aggressive calorie deficit.

    Nope it does matter big time......so what if you can eat icecream all day long! Doesn't matter,most people can not! You say it's for diabetics only to worry about this, what about preventing Diabetes?


    I have studied this high and low, and doctors everywhere are talking about this. Go eat your icecream.

    Lmfao. Who said I eat ice cream aaaall day? Nice strawman. Most people CAN fit these foods you're labeling bad into their day. Of course I'm not advising those with medical conditions to partake in this way. Even those with diabetes can have sugar, it just has to be regulated more than those without.

    Prevention starts with maintaining your health, not pointing fingers at foods. Did you not read the part about moderation and balance? Just jumped on my pints. Don't blame ya. Ice cream is tasty.. .


    Yes, in moderation! By the way your name calling is just nasty, I am a 22 year Air Force Veteran in the Air Force....just nasty

    Where did I name call? Strawman was in reference to your arguement....

    It's actually spelled argument.....done with this.

    Sweet. When you have nothing more of substance to say, you jump on spelling errors.


    Alrighty then.
  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    You're doing a good job. You might want to drop maybe 100 calories just so you can get a greater deficit and start losing the weight quicker. If you aren't doing so already, make sure to only check your weight once a week and relatively the same time.
    So for example: Monday morning, wake up, use the restroom and eliminate of any and all waste. Stand on the scale and record it here on MFP. Next Monday, same thing.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage

    Great post, yes those white carbs will get ya! Glycemic Index counts, and these white carbs just make you hungry all day long. They are very addictive.

    :noway: like crack? I like how every thread degenerates to blaming glycemic index and sugar.

    Unless you have a medical condition, there's REALLY no reason to worry about them. Logging everything you eat accurately and diligently is KEY. For weight loss it really is calories in vs out.

    For health, moderation is a factor. Finding foods that help you meet your macro/micro goals are important.

    I've been known to eat pints of gelato in a sitting. I've lost 53 lbs.

    Where's my fairy wand?

    ETA: Learning to find foods that are satiating is an important factor to making this sustainable as well. As is not picking an overly aggressive calorie deficit.

    Nope it does matter big time......so what if you can eat icecream all day long! Doesn't matter,most people can not! You say it's for diabetics only to worry about this, what about preventing Diabetes?


    I have studied this high and low, and doctors everywhere are talking about this. Go eat your icecream.

    Lmfao. Who said I eat ice cream aaaall day? Nice strawman. Most people CAN fit these foods you're labeling bad into their day. Of course I'm not advising those with medical conditions to partake in this way. Even those with diabetes can have sugar, it just has to be regulated more than those without.

    Prevention starts with maintaining your health, not pointing fingers at foods. Did you not read the part about moderation and balance? Just jumped on my pints. Don't blame ya. Ice cream is tasty.. .


    Yes, in moderation! By the way your name calling is just nasty, I am a 22 year Air Force Veteran in the Air Force....just nasty

    What did I just read? :ohwell: