Any good college budget and style recipes?

So after struggling this week because of cafeteria visits, I am looking for some good college recipes. I have a small stove and limited ingredients, also have a microwave. What are some thrown together or modified recipes you've used in dorm life?

Tuna Melt
1-2 cans tuna in water(depending on how many you plan to make, 1 can makes 2-4 melts)
Cheese sliced or shredded about 1 slice or 1-2oz
English Muffin
Any personal preference for tuna fish sandwich. i.e., celery

Mix up your tuna salad to your desire. I like mine simple with just tuna and mayo. Take about an oz or so, enough to cover most of the muffin once thinned to >1/2 in. on the muffin. cheese on top, then put the muffin on a skillet, takes about 1-2 minutes to cook, near the end put a little more cheese on top if desired. Same amount in the ingredients, just spread out as desired.


  • Whole wheat Pita bread toasted (or oven baked at 425 for 12-15 minutes), with pasta sauce any assortment of veggie options or low fat meat, cheese optional. Nice tasty flatbread pizza, low calorie, low carb, with fiber and protein.

    black beans, salsa, whole wheat or flax seed torillas, with cheese. Quesedilla with fiber, protein and low fat all at the same time!
  • foreman grills are perfect for dorms. when I was in college, I'd just cook grilled chicken/fish that I had marinated before and microwave some brown rice and vegetables. MEals were simple.
  • vtemp2013
    vtemp2013 Posts: 33 Member
    It hasn't been too long since I was living the dorm life, so I understand the struggle! Not only is it hard to manage without a lot of appliances, having a tight budget really doesn't help (can't wait to graduate in December!). I made a lot of pasta at first, but that isn't always the easiest on the waistline I soon found out once I gained the freshman seventy. That's right, /seventy/. I was so tiny and now I'm not, so to help you stay away from that slippery slope, here are a few healthy, cheap and simple ones I love:

    Tomato, mozzarella, and avocado slices on a whole wheat english muffin. Super simple and filling. You can even microwave for a melty quality. It tastes super good with mayo and pepper, too, but just be careful not to go overboard with that. I usually use a little bit of olive oil or unsalted butter instead.

    Pop a potato (sweet or otherwise) into the microwave for a few minutes and add whatever toppings you like. Just make sure to poke holes in them or they will explode and fling your microwave door open. Promise that's a mess you don't want to clean up.

    Mini "pizzas." Just add a little bit of cheese, sauce, and whatever else to an open-faced english muffin. Super easy and you can even heat it to make the cheese melty.

    Overnight oats are definitely something to look into. Very versatile and so cheap. Easy, too.

    Cottage cheese topped with fruit, or top it with a tomato and salt/pepper. Just make sure to get the low sodium kind if you plan on eating a lot. It's Bloat City otherwise.

    Make any kind of whole wheat tortilla wraps that your little heart desires. Really. So easy and versatile.

    Another favorite of mine is taking high fiber bread (or any kind you like) and smearing it with a little 35 cal wedge of Laughing Cow swiss cheese. Then add a little bit of cranberry sauce (no sugar added is best!) and turkey from the deli (the generic packs of presliced meat are usually too salty for me). It tastes like Thanksgiving, and you'll be thanking me.

    Tomato soup. Add a little skim milk and basil before heating up. It adds depth to the flavor and keeps you full for quite a while. You can even buy it at a Dollar Store or something.

    If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. Good luck!!
  • blue696
    blue696 Posts: 94 Member
    get ezekiel bread and you can make a sandwich with it. Its delicious and not too many calories.