Ideas about Diet and Exercise

Hi, I'm new and I'd just like to poll the forum. Please reply with A or B (which ideology you would say you would identify with most closely)


Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food. Minimize fat intake. Minimize Saturated Fat intake. Eat healthy whole grains. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Make sure most of your exercise is heavy cardio with a little bit of resistance training in there. Resistance training should isolate individual muscle groups well. Exercise heavily with cardio most days of the week. Egg whites are great for you. Avoid egg yolk due to dietary fat and cholesterol. Cook with vegetable oil/canola oil/olive oil. Red meat is to be minimized. Minimize sunlight exposure.


Calories in/Calories out is virtually irrelevant. Eat real food (real food = plants as they come out of the ground or animals/fish that eat plants in their natural state). Eat plenty of healthy fats and do not worry about saturated fat intake. Minimize foods that are high glycemic. Minimize daily glycemic load. Try to maximize omega 3:6 ratio in a general sense. Eat above-ground vegetables liberally. Moderate consumption of fruits, tubers and legumes. Berries are best fruit choice. ELIMINATE wheat. Other grains such as rice may be eaten but very infrequently. Avoid corn, soy. 100% grass fed red meat is one of the healthiest food items and should be eaten regularly. Cook with coconut oil, butter ghee. Egg yolks are one of the most densely nutritional foods and pastured eggs are a great food source. Do lots of low level exercise such as walking. Avoid sitting. Avoid cardio. Do a few heavy lifting workout routines per week (2 sessions no longer than 30 minutes) doing full body functional movements without muscle isolation. Eat until you are full and eat whenever you are hungry. Sprint every now and then. Have fun playing lots of sports. Maximize sunlight exposure without burning.


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I guess A, but when you try to put people into one of two things, very few will fit exactly in either and I'm no exception. :)
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    C - None of the above

    ETA: Not that I don't agree with parts of both options - but taken as a whole neither option is particularly attractive.

    Luckily life isn't governed by false dichotomies.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Hi, I'm new and I'd just like to poll the forum. Please reply with A or B (which ideology you would say you would identify with most closely)


    Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food. Minimize fat intake. Minimize Saturated Fat intake. Eat healthy whole grains. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Make sure most of your exercise is heavy cardio with a little bit of resistance training in there. Resistance training should isolate individual muscle groups well. Exercise heavily with cardio most days of the week. Egg whites are great for you. Avoid egg yolk due to dietary fat and cholesterol. Cook with vegetable oil/canola oil/olive oil. Red meat is to be minimized. Minimize sunlight exposure.


    Calories in/Calories out is virtually irrelevant. Eat real food (real food = plants as they come out of the ground or animals/fish that eat plants in their natural state). Eat plenty of healthy fats and do not worry about saturated fat intake. Minimize foods that are high glycemic. Minimize daily glycemic load. Try to maximize omega 3:6 ratio in a general sense. Eat above-ground vegetables liberally. Moderate consumption of fruits, tubers and legumes. Berries are best fruit choice. ELIMINATE wheat. Other grains such as rice may be eaten but very infrequently. Avoid corn, soy. 100% grass fed red meat is one of the healthiest food items and should be eaten regularly. Cook with coconut oil, butter ghee. Egg yolks are one of the most densely nutritional foods and pastured eggs are a great food source. Do lots of low level exercise such as walking. Avoid sitting. Avoid cardio. Do a few heavy lifting workout routines per week (2 sessions no longer than 30 minutes) doing full body functional movements without muscle isolation. Eat until you are full and eat whenever you are hungry. Sprint every now and then. Have fun playing lots of sports. Maximize sunlight exposure without burning.

    If you had stopped at "Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food." I would have agreed but going with C. None of the above
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    As above most of us don't fit into one box. Why do want this information? Looking at the other post you made it looks as if you may be selling something
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    Parts of both I guess. Why?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Only this part.

    "Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food."
  • brainmusick
    The Michael Pollan approach ("Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.") has worked the best for me. So... eat real food, don't eat too much, and eat mostly plants. I also think people don't understand that you can eat as much raw veggies as you want and it'll be good for you. The reason people don't is that a lot of people nowadays don't like vegetables, which is another related problem.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Hi, I'm new and I'd just like to poll the forum. Please reply with A or B (which ideology you would say you would identify with most closely)


    Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food. Minimize fat intake. Minimize Saturated Fat intake. Eat healthy whole grains. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Make sure most of your exercise is heavy cardio with a little bit of resistance training in there. Resistance training should isolate individual muscle groups well. Exercise heavily with cardio most days of the week. Egg whites are great for you. Avoid egg yolk due to dietary fat and cholesterol. Cook with vegetable oil/canola oil/olive oil. Red meat is to be minimized. Minimize sunlight exposure.


    Calories in/Calories out is virtually irrelevant. Eat real food (real food = plants as they come out of the ground or animals/fish that eat plants in their natural state). Eat plenty of healthy fats and do not worry about saturated fat intake. Minimize foods that are high glycemic. Minimize daily glycemic load. Try to maximize omega 3:6 ratio in a general sense. Eat above-ground vegetables liberally. Moderate consumption of fruits, tubers and legumes. Berries are best fruit choice. ELIMINATE wheat. Other grains such as rice may be eaten but very infrequently. Avoid corn, soy. 100% grass fed red meat is one of the healthiest food items and should be eaten regularly. Cook with coconut oil, butter ghee. Egg yolks are one of the most densely nutritional foods and pastured eggs are a great food source. Do lots of low level exercise such as walking. Avoid sitting. Avoid cardio. Do a few heavy lifting workout routines per week (2 sessions no longer than 30 minutes) doing full body functional movements without muscle isolation. Eat until you are full and eat whenever you are hungry. Sprint every now and then. Have fun playing lots of sports. Maximize sunlight exposure without burning.

    If you had stopped at "Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food." I would have agreed but going with C. None of the above


    Why do you assume that people who believe CICO think that you should only do heavy cardio and that egg yolks are the devil? Or that people who believe in the whole food concepts are the only ones who believe in heavy lifting?
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    I also think people don't understand that you can eat as much raw veggies as you want and it'll be good for you. The reason people don't is that a lot of people nowadays don't like vegetables, which is another related problem.

    I love vegetables, and the reason people don't "understand" it is because it's not entirely true.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    All the things in "A" don't necessarily go together. All the things in "B" don't necessarily go together.

    So neither.

    I have read In Defense of Food twice, and I mostly agree with Pollan's overall philosophy. I think it would make us healthier and be easier on the environment. But you can absolutely "overeat" plants. If I sat on the floor with a giant pile of raw broccoli and just started chomping away, it would definitely NOT be good for me :sick:
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    i exercise 6 times a week by either going to the ymca or going on a 4 mile hike/walk, i track my calorie intake and eat as clean (and fresh) as i can, keep food simple .... trying not to eat processed food.
  • BringbackGrok
    To those who replied and commented, thank you.

    To reply to a few comments, I don't expect many to be 100% A or B. Just getting a feel for where people are at, so I chose a spectrum with conventional wisdom (A) - primal (B) at opposite ends. That's not the spectrum that reflects reality, just one that I chose to address.

    To the person that thought I was selling something. No. But if you want to give me money I'm ok with that. Thanks for being generous:) That same person also knows I'm a primal/paleo believer by reading a prior post of mine, so of course I'm heavily biased, but you could tell that from my starting post on this thread anyway.

    To those who ask why I want to know? I'm a physician and I want to get a feel for how online lifestyle communities feel along the spectrum that I chose. So, basically PURE CURIOSITY. I had never tried posting on a forum before and thought I'd try it.

    To those that ask why I think only those that count calories think egg yolks are the devil? It's not just them. Everyone knows that the devil is hiding in eggs. That's why they came up with devilled eggs.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,568 Member
    Neither of these things.

    I do very little exercise and what I do manage to do is body-weight based circuit training. I don't "do cardio" other than to try to move a little more than I used to (with varying success). I try to eat balanced, with moderate fat, including egg yolks and saturated fats. Most of my foods ends up being more whole/unprocessed, simply because I am eating at a large deficit and care to get the most bang for my caloric buck as it were. I try to eat when I am hungry, and not eat when I am not.

    I have lost 69lbs, doing what works for me.
  • BringbackGrok
    By the way, I applaud all of you in the diet and exercise community for trying your best to be healthy. We'll all get there if we keep trying and learning. I just wish us in the medical community could be more helpful as a whole. The support of the medical system in primary prevention of chronic disease (aka lifestyle advice) is atrocious.
  • BringbackGrok
    If anyone is interested why I chose those two ends of the spectrum.... in my circle, most people I know are 100% A or B or very close to 100% either, although that doesn't seem to be the case elsewhere as indicated by responses so far.

    I am 100% B, along with a few friends and family.

    Most of my medical collegues are 100% A.

    My descriptions of A and B were taken right out of our conversations.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Only this part.

    "Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food."
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    The Michael Pollan approach ("Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.") has worked the best for me. So... eat real food, don't eat too much, and eat mostly plants. I also think people don't understand that you can eat as much raw veggies as you want and it'll be good for you. The reason people don't is that a lot of people nowadays don't like vegetables, which is another related problem.
    I'm more this. Michael Pollan rocks.

    I eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. I eat meat, seeds, fruit, dairy, I eat good food.

    I limit my refined carbs.

    I don't count/weigh/measure. I create a naturally SLOW carb diet.

    And I move a lot. Walking, running, Pilates, lifting, cycling....
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    If anyone is interested why I chose those two ends of the spectrum.... in my circle, most people I know are 100% A or B or very close to 100% either, although that doesn't seem to be the case elsewhere as indicated by responses so far.

    I am 100% B, along with a few friends and family.

    Most of my medical collegues are 100% A.

    My descriptions of A and B were taken right out of our conversations.

    I find it hard to believe most people you know are 100% one or the other.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Hi, I'm new and I'd just like to poll the forum. Please reply with A or B (which ideology you would say you would identify with most closely)


    Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food. Minimize fat intake. Minimize Saturated Fat intake. Eat healthy whole grains. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Make sure most of your exercise is heavy cardio with a little bit of resistance training in there. Resistance training should isolate individual muscle groups well. Exercise heavily with cardio most days of the week. Egg whites are great for you. Avoid egg yolk due to dietary fat and cholesterol. Cook with vegetable oil/canola oil/olive oil. Red meat is to be minimized. Minimize sunlight exposure.


    Calories in/Calories out is virtually irrelevant. Eat real food (real food = plants as they come out of the ground or animals/fish that eat plants in their natural state). Eat plenty of healthy fats and do not worry about saturated fat intake. Minimize foods that are high glycemic. Minimize daily glycemic load. Try to maximize omega 3:6 ratio in a general sense. Eat above-ground vegetables liberally. Moderate consumption of fruits, tubers and legumes. Berries are best fruit choice. ELIMINATE wheat. Other grains such as rice may be eaten but very infrequently. Avoid corn, soy. 100% grass fed red meat is one of the healthiest food items and should be eaten regularly. Cook with coconut oil, butter ghee. Egg yolks are one of the most densely nutritional foods and pastured eggs are a great food source. Do lots of low level exercise such as walking. Avoid sitting. Avoid cardio. Do a few heavy lifting workout routines per week (2 sessions no longer than 30 minutes) doing full body functional movements without muscle isolation. Eat until you are full and eat whenever you are hungry. Sprint every now and then. Have fun playing lots of sports. Maximize sunlight exposure without burning.

    If you had stopped at "Eat less. Exercise more. Keep track of your calories. Weigh your food." I would have agreed but going with C. None of the above

    Me too. Why would you minimize fat intake?