Bizarre but it's working.

I am 5'7" tall (male) and weighed 245 lbs. I started a low carb diet in june and started losing weight. I ended up doing a carb binge one day (after I had lost about 11 lbs), but noticed that it didn't effect my weight loss. My apetite was reduced due to the low carb high fat regimen so I noticed that my calorie intake was drastically reduced.

So what is basically happening for last 2.5 months is that, from monday to saturday, I eat about 700-800 calories a day. Basically low carb diet but occasionally I eat some sweets/chocolate etc. I take a multivitamin and calcium supplement. I workout for 30min twice a week. BUT, on sunday, right from waking up till I sleep, I kinda binge on food (lots of carbs). I eat almost 4500 to 5000 cal on sunday!

I gain about 3-4 pounds, which are gone by monday evening. But over the last 2.5 months, I have lost 29lbs (on top of the previous 11 lb). So I am 205 lb now.

I couldn't find anyone doing this over the internet so I thought of posting it here. Has anyone ever tried this personally or heard from someone? I mean not exactly but maybe something similar, with a very low calorie week and a sunday binge.

I find doing this to be very easy. On weekdays I know that on sunday I can have ANYTHING I want and it helps with my cravings. Doing a low carb on weekdays suppresses the apetite anyway, so doing that is not a problem. So far I haven't experienced any negative effects on health/well being. (I mean "felt". I haven't had a bloodwork so I don't know what's happening there). I am never short or energy, and never experience any fatigue or other such symptoms.

So is what I am doing unhealthy? I am not having any problems doing it, and it is working really good. It is kinda like counting weekly calories instead of daily, ie, spread over a longer time. So, instead of eating, say, 500 calories more perday for six days, I am eating 3000 calories more on one day. I find it much easier to do and never feel like quitting. So should I continue it till I am at my optimum weight?


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    It seems to be a form of Intermittent Fasting...yeah. Usually 800 calories a day is not healthy, but I mean...if it is working for you and you feel good I dont really see what would be wrong with this.
  • kindgirl
    kindgirl Posts: 4 Member
    If it's working keep it up - however, I would suggest having a doctor do a blood workup on you - so you can see if it's helping :)
  • nomorecakeKP
    nomorecakeKP Posts: 13 Member
    My husband does this and has had the same results. He follows a modified version of the 5:2 diet.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    The question will be, is after you lose the weight you want, what have you learned that is going to keep your weight loss sustainable? As you lose weight your caloric requirements will change and you will need to adjust. It's much easier for someone overweight to lose than it is for someone within their ideal weight range.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    So you're averaging about 1350 calories a day, that's pretty low for someone of your size. I'd suggest eating more.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    So you're averaging about 1350 calories a day, that's pretty low for someone of your size. I'd suggest eating more.

    I agree.
    And i also don't believe in this fasting fad people are going on about.
    Don't seem healthy to me!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    So you're averaging about 1350 calories a day, that's pretty low for someone of your size. I'd suggest eating more.

    I agree.
    And i also don't believe in this fasting fad people are going on about.
    Don't seem healthy to me!

    Oh it doesn't SEEM healthy to you? Do some research please.
  • KarenOdleoo
    KarenOdleoo Posts: 7 Member
    What is the 5:2 diet? Or can you direct me where I can read up on it? TIA
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Whatever works!! :)
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member

    I personally use 16/8 myself blood sugar has never been stable enough for a full on fast.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    So you're averaging about 1350 calories a day, that's pretty low for someone of your size. I'd suggest eating more.

    I agree.
    And i also don't believe in this fasting fad people are going on about.
    Don't seem healthy to me!

    Oh it doesn't SEEM healthy to you? Do some research please.

    I have done some research.
    Some are saying it's a good thing (Scientists/Researchers) and some saying it's not (Nutrition Specialists). There's conflicting views.
    But in MY opinion, practically starving yourself even for a few days isn't healthy and i'm pretty sure i'd faint on only eating 800 cals in one day - and i'm a petite 128lb woman!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I am 5'7" tall (male) and weighed 245 lbs. I started a low carb diet in june and started losing weight. I ended up doing a carb binge one day (after I had lost about 11 lbs), but noticed that it didn't effect my weight loss. My apetite was reduced due to the low carb high fat regimen so I noticed that my calorie intake was drastically reduced.

    So what is basically happening for last 2.5 months is that, from monday to saturday, I eat about 700-800 calories a day. Basically low carb diet but occasionally I eat some sweets/chocolate etc. I take a multivitamin and calcium supplement. I workout for 30min twice a week. BUT, on sunday, right from waking up till I sleep, I kinda binge on food (lots of carbs). I eat almost 4500 to 5000 cal on sunday!

    I gain about 3-4 pounds, which are gone by monday evening. But over the last 2.5 months, I have lost 29lbs (on top of the previous 11 lb). So I am 205 lb now.

    I couldn't find anyone doing this over the internet so I thought of posting it here. Has anyone ever tried this personally or heard from someone? I mean not exactly but maybe something similar, with a very low calorie week and a sunday binge.

    I find doing this to be very easy. On weekdays I know that on sunday I can have ANYTHING I want and it helps with my cravings. Doing a low carb on weekdays suppresses the apetite anyway, so doing that is not a problem. So far I haven't experienced any negative effects on health/well being. (I mean "felt". I haven't had a bloodwork so I don't know what's happening there). I am never short or energy, and never experience any fatigue or other such symptoms.

    So is what I am doing unhealthy? I am not having any problems doing it, and it is working really good. It is kinda like counting weekly calories instead of daily, ie, spread over a longer time. So, instead of eating, say, 500 calories more perday for six days, I am eating 3000 calories more on one day. I find it much easier to do and never feel like quitting. So should I continue it till I am at my optimum weight?
    so are you going to do this for the rest of your life? What will you do when you reach your goal to stop the weight returning which in likelihood it will as soon as you eat normally.

    Also as a5 7 male your average calories should be a lot higher. You will lose so much muscle averaging that low, and no it's not healthy for a man to average 1300 calories a day
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    So you're averaging about 1350 calories a day, that's pretty low for someone of your size. I'd suggest eating more.

    I agree.
    And i also don't believe in this fasting fad people are going on about.
    Don't seem healthy to me!

    Oh it doesn't SEEM healthy to you? Do some research please.

    I have done some research.
    Some are saying it's a good thing (Scientists/Researchers) and some saying it's not (Nutrition Specialists). There's conflicting views.
    But in MY opinion, practically starving yourself even for a few days isn't healthy and i'm pretty sure i'd faint on only eating 800 cals in one day - and i'm a petite 128lb woman!
    Pretty sure you wouldn't!! I've been doing 5:2 for two years and I'm neither petite, or a woman.

    OP - your average calories are very low, far lower than they need to be to lose weight successfully. I would be concerned that you may lose more lean mass than you need to and find the switch to maintenance very hard.
    There's plenty of IF or ADF (alternate day fasting) protocols around, might be worth doing some research to find a well thought out one that suits you.
  • zanelekay
    zanelekay Posts: 4 Member
    Do you manage to exercise on this diet?
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    So you're averaging about 1350 calories a day, that's pretty low for someone of your size. I'd suggest eating more.

    I agree.
    And i also don't believe in this fasting fad people are going on about.
    Don't seem healthy to me!

    Oh it doesn't SEEM healthy to you? Do some research please.

    I have done some research.
    Some are saying it's a good thing (Scientists/Researchers) and some saying it's not (Nutrition Specialists). There's conflicting views.
    But in MY opinion, practically starving yourself even for a few days isn't healthy and i'm pretty sure i'd faint on only eating 800 cals in one day - and i'm a petite 128lb woman!

    I am the same. If I eat too little in a day, the next day I feel weak and I have been known to faint (scared my partner ****less).
    This is why a fasting diet would be no good for me.
    I have read conflicting things about fasting too (my mom started it and wanted me to do it so I read up on it). But since I kept hitting the deck I decided it wasn't for me.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
  • Thanks all for your responses.

    So I had my bloodwork and everything is normal. My LDL and triglycerides have come down from last year and my HDL has increased. I have slightly elevated bilirubin. But the doctor said that it is nothing to worry as rest of the liver function tests are normal. He said that slight increase in bilirubin during calorie restriction is normal.

    I gonna continue doing this and when weight loss slows, I'll try reducing the calories of the Sunday binge. They are too much anyways but help me curb all my cravings during the week.

    I guess all the research that we read about are mere statistics and likelihoods. Everyone's body is different and would react differently to different diets and exercises. So I think we should experiment and find what's best for us. There is no plan which would fit anybody. Also, some people find restricting a few calories daily much easier. But whenever I have tried that, I can't do it for much longer and return to the previous diet. So it is also about what you are comfortable doing.

    I'll try to have a blood work every couple of months or so to monitor my health.
  • Yeah I do. I never feel tired or fatigued. As of now I workout twice a day. Usually Tuesday and Saturday. I do 15 minutes of cardio (indoor cycling or spinning) and 15 minutes of strength training. Mostly upper body. I feel I can comfortable do an hour of cardio but I find it too boring. So I just increase my heart and do some strength. I have been increasing weights every couple of weeks. So I am definitely gaining strength.

    Basically I am doing very minimal exercise at the moment. I lose more weight, I expect the weightloss to slow down. So I'll increase both the time and frequency of exercising when that happens.