Pre workout for women?

I'm sure this question has been asked a million times, but I'm considering purchasing a pre workout mix and was wondering if anyone had a preference?


  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    You really don't need to waste your money on one.
  • MrFitness972
    MrFitness972 Posts: 45 Member
    Chocolate milk.....
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    Greek yogurt
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Either make your own (lots of hits on Google for this) or just have some caffeine. Carbs can also help. Personally I find that I work out best on an emptier stomach (weight lifting btw) as I Have better energy. But caffeinated tea helps boost that for me.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    If I work out in the moring, I just have a piece of fruit.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    In some cases (limited cases i agree) people do need a PWO - so before coming up with the standard not needed - eat instead I'd say to try to understand the logic behind OP's question?!
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I'm sure this question has been asked a million times, but I'm considering purchasing a pre workout mix and was wondering if anyone had a preference?

    I've used FRS in the past and it does help with sustaining my energy levels longer for cardio. I don't know how good it would be for weight training, as it doesn't have any protein.
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    ......pre workout mix and was wondering if anyone had a preference?

    Here I was thinking about music. lol
  • Rlavigne93
    Rlavigne93 Posts: 119 Member
    I usually grab some almonds or mixed nuts before, and then load up on protein after. I'm not sure if there's any science to back it up, but I feel like getting a bunch of fats or carbs before can kind of "trick" my body to using the protein after to repair muscle. So I can build muscle on a deficit.