The highs and lows of CrAzY Christmas!

TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
Okay! Let's have them! What is your craziest Christmas story? Maybe you were shopping and some stole the last item you were looking for right infront of your face! Or maybe you burnt the turkey on the day everyone was coming over? Maybe you got completely snowed in and you weren't able to go annnnnywhere for Christmas?

Regardless, I want to hear your Christmas Vacation, Jingle all the Way, Christmas Story!


  • bethm1210
    bethm1210 Posts: 66 Member
    Christmas 2009 - the great blizzard! We were to travel 90 miles east to my mom's for Christmas Eve, and my daughter's boyfriend (now fiance) was to meet us there. Roads were nearly impassable, so we canceled the plans and stayed home. But young love had other ideas. The boyfriend hopped on the Amtrack train and arrived in the town 20 miles south of us. My son drove my daughter to the station to pick him up. All this was in the middle of the night, with heavy snow and high winds. Thank goodness for 4-wheel drive! They all made it home safe and sound, and we were able to celebrate Christmas together. We made it to Mom's to celebrate with the rest of the family a couple days later.
  • We used to make non-gender-specific gingerbread people at home, ice them and then hang them on the tree.

    The first Christmas after we got our new dog, we came downstairs one morning and all the ones at dog level were missing. Some of the people gingerbread people were just missing their lower limbs. After that, we made sure to hang the gingerbread people higher.

    One of my favourite Christmas memories is decorating gingerbread people with my brother and uncle. A limb had broken off in the oven. My brother and uncle, with the help of an intact gingerbread person and a lot of red frosting, constructed the scene from the movie "Alien" where the alien bursts out of the stomach. We put it near the top of the tree. My mother was displeased, but everyone who saw it loved it.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Definitely the blizzard of 2009. I'm usually a very laid back person, but Christmas is my favorite holiday and I am very much into tradition. It KILLED me that we couldn't have Christmas Eve at my mom's and Christmas day at my dad's. But low and behold, my dad and brothers came over to spend the night Christmas Eve and our furnace kept shutting off, bringing our house down to 58 degrees BRRR!! Luckily, we figured out how to fix it and it all worked out. That night our bed was consumed with the two of us, our then 6,3, and 7 month old all snuggled under a plethera of blankets. Best. Christmas. Ever??? :)
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I'd say this year, so far the craziest thing that has happened was this past weekend. I went shopping with a friend at a mall. It was JAM PACKED. Last weekend day before Christmas, at a mall...yes, PACKED. We were strolling along when the lady infront of us came to an abrupt stop. Like VERY abrupt. I was literally barely not going to make it around her when I put my right foot down and went flying backwards. I don't know what kept me from crashing to the ground but I somehow found my balance. When I righted myself, my friend looked shocked, the woman infront of me was scowling and I was...dizzy? Haha! It was literally a slip on a banana peel moment. Apparently the woman had come to an abrupt stop to look at a booth and in the process dropped her envelope of professional pictures from like Sears off the top of the stroller she was pushing. Since we had no warning right behind her, the envelope dropped, I stepped on it, and went flying.

    I started to say, "I'm so sorry!" But she cut me off. Screaming! "YOU STEPPED ON MY PICTURES!" I looked down at the envelope. There wasn't even a boot print. I had nearly cracked my head falling backwards. "How could you be so stupid! Watch where you are going!!! WATCH YOUR FEET!" She continued to scream at me! If I hadn't been in such shock I think I would have laughed my butt off. Lady, you almost killed me with your pictures...I just started to walk away, shaking my head while my friend suggested she keep a closer watch on her pictures, perhaps not let them land on the floor. We literally were at least 50 feet away and she was still screaming at us down the mall, "Don't talk about me! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!"

    So the message in this is: While you are shopping this Holiday season...don't look infront of you while you walk. Stare at the floor infront of you. Someone may try to trip and kill you with their pictures!
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