Sugars in fruits?

Are the sugars in fruits bad? should we avoid these? I know they are natural sugars, but i just put a banana onto my food journal and it showed a huge sugar content (17)... does this mean i shouldn't eat stuff like this?


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    There are many differing view points on this subject here on the boards. I personally don't count sugars from whole foods into my sugar count. Only added sugars are my enemy. I'm sure someone will pipe in shortly telling you to avoid the fruit...but look at it this way...fruit provides vitamins, minerals, fiber, and are good for you. Where shoveling in a twinkie does what? Provides you with little to nothing. Eat the sure is better than eating junk.
  • lordofultima
    Anything in moderation. I'd recommend a veggy at every meal, and a fruit maybe once in a day. That's just me though. Fructose in excessive amounts can still be an issue, it's not sucrose but it's still sugar.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I wouldn't stress about it, but I agree with the moderation stance. Although I don't see any harm in 2-3 servings a day, maybe just try to limit the high GI fruits (like bananas) to one a day, or eat them before/after workouts. Just my thoughts =)
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    If you find that your weight loss is very sluggish or if not losing inches around waist. I'd watch the sugar in fruit. But if you are losing weight 1-2 lbs a week, I'd eat it in moderation. Speaking from personal experience.

    Results after reducing fruit drastically:(75% of my sugars was coming from fruit).
    I actually lost 4.5 inches around waist and lost 6lbs in 8 weeks. Before I had only lost 1lb per month.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    As long as your calorie count is under control, don't worry about the amount of sugars you are getting from fruits. Fruits have lots of nutritional value, and are definitely worth eating.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I include fruit in my meals everyday but I really try to avoid added sugar, even substitute sugars. My one complaint with MFP is the sugar tracking. If you have even one piece of fruit a day, it sends you over the recommended amount. It is true that sugar is not your friend if you are trying to lose weight, but I love fruit and don't feel healthy if I avoid it. I am right on track with my weight loss so I don't feel a need to change that part of my diet. I know some people don't care much for fruit and any reduction in sugar is a step in the right direction but the place to start eliminating sugar is with candy, pop, cookies, etc. in my opinion.