Holiday Help Anyone??

dancah18 Posts: 26
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
SO I am super super nervous about what to do from now until New Years Eve! What are you guys doing? Just working out a lot? Avoiding all the good stuff all together? Cheat days? I'm just really nervous I am going to blow it!


  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    My plan is to try to workout when I can but not stress too much. I'm aiming for Holiday maintenance. I don't plan on binging but I'm not going to avoid all the good stuff. It's Christmas time and that would just make me sad. I don't want to be sad during Christmas.
  • anaaho
    anaaho Posts: 7 Member
    Try not to stress about it too much. Don't go hog-wild but don't deprive yourself. You made it through thanksgiving, right?
  • Just take it one moment at a fear! Just be good to yourself and make great decisions consciously. Don't over think it too's going to be okay.
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    Don't stress too much. Normally I'd go to the gym in the mornings before big meals so that I don't feel so bad about the extra calories at Christmas Dinners. I recommend getting some DVD workouts (I totally LOVE Jillian Michaels 30-day shred) to use on days when the gym's closed or to use instead of going to the gym. You'll feel better physically, and mentally, if you do some form of exercise during these Christmas holidays.

    Christmas is to relax and enjoy all that you have around you- and yes, this includes food. BUT that doesn't mean you have to gorge yourself on all the holiday goodies; go ahead and enjoy the foods you don't get to have everyday- enjoy ONE serving, or a taste of this and that. And if you overeat, just walk an extra mile, or play with your kids, or play some Kinect (I bought YourShape for the Kinect and it's a nice, mild workout!).

    The most important piece of advice I can give you is to remember your portions-sizes...they don't change for Christmas! :-D

    If you completely deprive yourself you'll only feel worse; you'll be sitting in the background watching while all others will be enjoying themselves and indulging. Go ahead, and enjoy; in moderation!!! :-D
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Remember there are no foods that are "off limits" (well maybe fettucini alfredo, that stuff will kill ya!) - everything in moderation. I find it helps me to maintain my routine as much as possible so even on Christmas Day I'm going to make time for my work out before the festivities begin. I'm going to eat my "regular" breakfast and lunch, and then enjoy my evening meal. I won't go hog wild but I'm going to have what I want, just limit my portions.

    It also helps to remember that holidays are just days - not "holiweeks". So you may slack off on Christmas Day and New Years Eve because of the celebrations but they don't have to give you an "excuse" to eat poorly or skip exercising the rest of the week. I think for any of us who have struggled with weight we have always had one excuse or another to make poor choices (its my birthday, having an evening with the girls, fight with the hubby, etc. ) Its always something, the two holidays are another way to give ourselves "permission" to cheat if we allow it.

    Good luck! Stay Strong!
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    I agree with everyone else. The more you stress it, the more you create drama in your mind over it. Just chill and enjoy :smile:

    If you eat some extra sweets or skip a workout I wouldn't worry. It's only a week and then you can get right back to it!
  • I kept going to holiday get togethers for work this week.. my solution. I took a veggie tray.. and ate that.. and nibbled on the other.. crunching the veggies made me feel as if I was celebrating too and drank .. diet gingerale.. worked for me..
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    my plan is to continue daily workouts and eat in moderation. So far, so good. Plus I'm trying my best NOT to beat myself up over the scale "love/hate" relationship. Me and that dude....we are gonna throw down someday!!!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I'm eating and working out as I normally do every day that is not a holiday. On the ACTUAL holidays, I'm going to try to get a work out in before the festivities begin. The gatherings will not become eating contests, but I'm going to enjoy myself (stuffing myself to the point of discomfort isn't very enjoyable). I'm not taking home any leftovers. Then next day is back to business as usual.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!! The holidays are to be enjoyed, not feared. It's just food. You got this.

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