My calorie intake

If someone actually took the time and effort to figure something with me that would be great, I'm confused as too how much calorie i should actually be taking.

Age: 20 in two months
weight: 165
Height: 5'9
work: none
activity: Little due Christmas break and in January will be back in school
work out program: P90x (6 days a week, for 1 hour)
Goal: Burn as much fat and have a lean muscular body
Supplements: Jack3d for pre work out.
Whey protein after work out
Casein protein before bed

If you guys are familiar with the p90x program I would be burning 500 to 800 calories per hour session

Do i include my supplements as calories for myfitness pal? or are they seperate and don't need to be included.

So my overall question is, how much calories and so on should I be taking?


  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Go to settings on ur home page, hit my fitness and diet profile (something like that), put in ur weight, and all other necessary details. for exercise, it sounds like ur highly active, u can choose what level that u think matches or best describes ur fitness activities, Based on that and ur BMR, MFP will tell y how many calories to eat in a day. Its a good way to find that out
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Do you know your body fat percentage? If so, I can do a little quick math for you and give you the numbers I'd give you if you were my client. MFP uses total body weight, but for my clients I use lean body mass to get a more accurate BMR. Also, you can send me a private message if you would rather have all the math explained and don't want to lose it on the board.
  • lokko
    lokko Posts: 6
    Do you know your body fat percentage? If so, I can do a little quick math for you and give you the numbers I'd give you if you were my client. MFP uses total body weight, but for my clients I use lean body mass to get a more accurate BMR. Also, you can send me a private message if you would rather have all the math explained and don't want to lose it on the board.

    Okay i have done a home body fat test using measuring and supposedly this is what I have

    You have 11% body fat.

    You have 18.2 Pounds of fat and 146.8 Pounds of lean (muscle, bone, body water).
  • lokko
    lokko Posts: 6
    I don't know if the home body fat test is accurate or not because i used an online calculator and measured myself in inches to figure it out, didn't use any body fat test devices...

    On myfitness pal it says

    Your estimated BMR is: 1,754 calories/day*


    Your BMI is: 24.4
    Target weight range: 125.3 - 169.3 lbs
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I don't know if the home body fat test is accurate or not because i used an online calculator and measured myself in inches to figure it out, didn't use any body fat test devices...

    On myfitness pal it says

    Your estimated BMR is: 1,754 calories/day*


    Your BMI is: 24.4
    Target weight range: 125.3 - 169.3 lbs

    That may or may not be right since you never know what formula the website used to determine body fat. I can put your info into the formula ACE uses for figuring body fat and see if the 11% is close to correct because honestly that sounds low if you feel the need to lose body fat. The ACE formula isn't 100% accurate, but neither are the home scales or handheld body fat analyzers or calipers. I would trust the ACE formula over a random one online personally.

    BMI and Ideal Weight based on height is bogus. I go by a formula using the lean body mass (after fat mass is subtracted from total body weight) and the goal body fat %) to determine ideal body weight. As long as you pick a method of determining body fat % and stick with just that method you can compare it and see changes, which is ultimately the goal.
  • lokko
    lokko Posts: 6
    I don't know if the home body fat test is accurate or not because i used an online calculator and measured myself in inches to figure it out, didn't use any body fat test devices...

    On myfitness pal it says

    Your estimated BMR is: 1,754 calories/day*


    Your BMI is: 24.4
    Target weight range: 125.3 - 169.3 lbs

    That may or may not be right since you never know what formula the website used to determine body fat. I can put your info into the formula ACE uses for figuring body fat and see if the 11% is close to correct because honestly that sounds low if you feel the need to lose body fat. The ACE formula isn't 100% accurate, but neither are the home scales or handheld body fat analyzers or calipers. I would trust the ACE formula over a random one online personally.

    BMI and Ideal Weight based on height is bogus. I go by a formula using the lean body mass (after fat mass is subtracted from total body weight) and the goal body fat %) to determine ideal body weight. As long as you pick a method of determining body fat % and stick with just that method you can compare it and see changes, which is ultimately the goal.

    Okay so I'm confused, sorry I'm not into much nutrition knowledge.
    How would i calculate my body fat properly then, if you say even calipers are not accurate?

    Can you give me an idea of how much calories i should be taking in daily according to the exercise program i'm doing 6 times a week?
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    The most accurate would be a DEXA scan or hydrostatic weighing but they are expensive. So, we use bioelectrical impedence (scales and handheld devices), calipers, or measurements. For anyone online who can't get me one of the other measurements, I use their age, height, weight, gender, hip and waist measurements and use the formula for body density in my ACE manual. If you want to send me those measurements, I'll put it in the formula and give you an estimate, but it will just be an estimate. Honestly, though, calories consumed and burned through exercise are just estimates too, so as long as you pick one method and stick with it, it doesn't matter which estimate you pick. From that estimate and your activity level and info from your OP I can give you an estimate of calorie needs. I can break it down to carbs, protein, and fat too, if you want.