Getting started...again.

I'm finally able to admit to myself that I'm not on the right track. I'm not eating well enough and I'm not exercising enough.
Why would I lose weight?? I can't complain about a plateau when it's my own habits, and I'm facing that today.

SO! My name is Delane. And I'm starting over. I've lost the weight before, but I'm using this as an opportunity to start here instead of pretending I've got it all together. I have a day count, but I haven't been logging everything every day, and I'm starting a meal plan on Monday to almost push myself into a controlled environment, since my specialty is chaos.

I have a post about meal prepping (so if you have advice, please help, lol), "meal prep for dummies" and please feel free to add me. I need all the help I can get.


  • eatlessnachos
    eatlessnachos Posts: 9 Member
    Me too, starting again. I lost it before, kept it off for awhile, and now I am back, because I have no idea how or when the weight creeped back on, when I stopped running, etc.

    I've been back for about a month. I lost 6lbs in my first couple weeks here, but it all came back over a week-long vacation where I didn't track my food. Frustrating. It seems harder this time for some reason...I guess because I am disappointed to be here again.

    I don't normally post in the forums or use this site socially, but I saw no one had written you back yet, so I am here wishing you the best! You can do it, and best of all, you know you can.
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    Hi my name is Jacki. I'm on MFP for the third time. In 2011 I lost 80 pounds and it did not take long at all to gain most of that back. Then in 2012 I lost 103 pounds. I remember how excited I was when I hit 100 pounds. I was so proud of myself. I maintained that for only a month and over the next year I gained all that plus sixteen more pounds back. I had gastric bypass May 21st of this year. At my first appointment with the dr in February he told me I had to lose 60 pounds by my surgery date or he wouldn't do it. I've never wanted anything so bad (except for my kids and husband of course). So in that three months I had two protein shakes a day and for dinner four ounces of meat and veggies. I lived on about 500 calories a day for three months. I also started exercising almost everyday. I lost 61 pounds. So as of today I've lost a total of 115 pounds so far. I walk three miles six days a week and log my food everyday. It's been challenging and hard but I'm determined. If you want you can add me as a friend. I would like it if we could support each other.
  • jrfit79
    I'm back again too...I'm almost back up to my heaviest weight ever and didn't realize how much I've gained. Looking at all of my regular clothes that I normally just wear, sitting there waiting for me to squeeze back into is motivating me right now to get started back on a healthly path. A friend saw me in a store the other day and said I didn't recognize you there. That meant holy cow I've never seen you that fat ever. I first thought geesh I don't want anyone to see me like this and wanted to hide, today - right now - I'm saying no way, get to where you want to be one day at a time. Sundays and Wednesday are my grocery and food prep days/nights, everything else can't back off. Preparing meals and buying the right foods is the first start. Exercise is next and will be slow and steady - no injuries, no lost time and no one else will get in the way. So to all of the "starting overs" out there, let's put ourselves first and live the life that we want. We've got this.