Change is coming (again)

Hey guys,

My name is Mel and I'm 19, and I weigh about 185 pounds (85kg). I'm 165cm.

Last year I lost almost 40kg through good dieting and this website, however I moved out of home and into college where they have no concept of health other than "feed all the people all the carbs" and I put quite a lot back on.

I've been back into a diet for three weeks now, I'm on 1200 calories per day. I unfortunately don't have a lot of time for exercise, and I also suffer from anxiety so I'm tired quite a lot which impairs the exercise process too. I do work though, so at least by standing up/moving for a great portion of the day I'm not totally inactive.

I hope to get back down to 70kg eventually, but in the mean time my goal weight is 75kg by New Years Day, which to many might sound a lot, but for some reason I do drop weight quite quickly, even though I have the metabolism of a tortoise (thanks mum).

Anyway, I've been using MFP for over a year now, and I've never engaged in the community side of things so I figured it was time to do so- I'd love to make some friends to interact with on the app, to have a bigger support network to drive me and to help keep each other accountable.

I look forward to meeting you all, if you have any tips/tricks feel free to share them with me
