Jumping on the wagon again, this time for good.

I am really frustrated and pretty much confused... Over the past few months when I sort of ate right and worked out Monday thru Friday, the weight I had gained from a weekend or a bad night would fall off in a day or two. Now that I am back in the game permanently and have been eating healthy and maxing my intake to 1300 calories and no more than that, I haven't lost a thing. I might just be overreacting since I should only weigh in once a week, but I wanted to keep an eye on things, and so far nothing is going on... I thought that when you start up a weight loss and fitness lifestyle that the first week or two the weight drops, so I am a bit concerned about what is going on with me.

When I originally lost all my weight on my journey to a healthy life and fitness 3 years ago I kept my calorie intake to 1200-1300 and I worked out every day and within a year I lost 57lbs. Since then I unfortunately gained all of it back, plus another ten pounds. I feel horrible that I let situations in my life get to me and in the end I lost who I was. Now I am just desperately trying to get that back, and I am feeling scared that the weight won't come off this time for some reason.

I know a lot of people will tell me to eat more, but that's what got me here in the first place, I am worried that if I set my calories higher, even when working out that I won't lose... Thank you all for listening, if you have any advice that you could send my way, it would be greatly appreciated. :)