Who is doing a long run this weekend?

Anyone doing a long run this weekend? (long run is a subjective term, if 3 miles is long for you then dont be ashamed to add yourself to the list.

Share your planned mileage, what you eat to fuel up before and during your run, what part of the world you are in and what you are training for (ie a certain race, event, weight loss or other goal) then come back and tell us how it went.

for me...

I eat Oatmeal with banana & peanut butter and any other fruit i can find
I am doing 20 Miles saturday
In Southern California
In training for the Long Beach Marathon in October


  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Thinking of it. I have a little circuit at my house that is 5km, thinking of doing it twice. Never done that before.

    Pre-run fuel: Nothing but might watch some porn and take an ECA stack.
    Distance: 5km OR 10km
    Probability of happening: 60%, rehabbing my knee, and it's feeling strong right now

    In the depths of eastern Washington, pray for me. Not training for anything run related, just need to up the endurance. My tri plans for the year are gone like so much dust in the wind.

    Post run I'll eat a little protein and do an arm workout, then I'll probably pound some pancakes and bourbon.