My Dinner -- Big Meal, Satisfying, 400 calories

I have lost 70 lbs since May 1. I weigh all the food I eat and record diligently into

Looking for high-protein, low fat flavorful food to eat, I started cooking myself a nightly meal of deli turkey and vegetables that is very satisfying, flavorful and makes me feel like I ate a real meal.

Here is my nightly meal...just about 400 calories if you follow the weights I show...I'm generally a little under on one or more of the vegies and that gets me in right at 400 calories. I use the Dietz and Watson "gourmet light turkey breast" sold at Costco because it is delicious even right out of the wrapper, and it is only 50 calories per 2 ounces. Where I live the cost varies between $5 and $6 a pound (comes in two one-pound packages).

I guess I'd call this:



6.0 ounces (168 g) brocolli
5.0 ounces (140 g) yellow onions
6.0 ounces (168 g) Dietz and Watson gourmet light turkey breast (Costco), coarsely chopped
7.0 ounces (about 200 g) Fresh tomato, coarsely chopped
2.4 ounces (68 g) Ketchup
0.7 ounces (20 g) worcestershire sauce
To Taste salt, pepper, tobasco

1. cut up the brocolli and stems into pieces. Put in microwavable container. Rinse repeatedly. Cover loosely with lid or plastic wrap. Microwave until tender (I have a low-powered microwave and it takes me 2 1/2 minutes...your mileage may vary)
2. Course chop the onion and put in 10" or larger non-stick saute pan. pour on a small amount of water or water and vinegar for flavor and saute medium high. The water will boil off, softening the onions. I continue to let the onion caramelize a little, but I've kind of wrecked my pan doing it. You can add a spritz of Pam but you'll have to account for the 1 g or so of oil...another 9 calories and added fat calories.
3. When the onions are cooked put the tomato, turkey, ketchup and worchestershire sauce into the pan. with a heat proof spatula deglaze the pan. Saute on medium until the liquid from the tomatoes has collected in the pan. Season to taste (I use a LOT of tabasco, which I love).
4. Drain the brocolli and put it into your bowl. pour the saute on top. I eat this with a big dill pickle (zero cals) Yum