What are you most proud of?

I spend a lot of time reading the MFP message boards and I am always inspired by seeing so many people so strongly committed to getting healthy or staying healthy. However, I have noticed how the goal of losing weight seems to consume people at times.

In my experience, positive change (weight- related or other wise) happens best when it comes from a place of self-love and self-respect. In other words, trying to make your already awesome self even more awesome, not trying to fix yourself because you're broken.

We are all here because we recognize that there are areas of our lives that could use improvement, and that's fantastic. It's a difficult journey and most of us will suffer setbacks from time to time. I believe that it is important to keep sight of the amazing, complex person you are, regardless of the number on the scale or the calories in your food diary.

Eating a piece of cheese cake does not make you any less of a loyal and caring friend. Gaining a pound does not make you less intelligent. Skipping a workout does not make you a less talented artist, or musician, or anything else. These small slip-ups do not diminish us as people and we shouldn't allow ourselves to believe that they do. Instead of beating yourself up over a bad day and feeling like a worthless failure, strive to do better the next day because you deserve to be be the healthy, fit person you want to be.

Ok, I'm starting to make myself a little sick with how touchy-feely this is turning out, so I'm going to stop here. My point is that there are so many wonderful people of this site with exciting and inspirational lives and stories that are completely unrelated to their weight loss journey. I want to hear you all brag a little.

What are your qualities or achievements that you are most proud of that have nothing to do with your reasons for joining MFP?

Here are some of mine:

I just moved 1681 miles away from my family and friends. It was/is terrifying but I did it anyway.

In May I graduated with a 3.88 GPA which I worked by butt off for.

I'm really good at origami. The number of hours I've spent staring at pieces of paper is kind of concerning, but the results are pretty cool.

I'm totally passionate about my career as a music teacher


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I am proudest of my commitment to find my awesome self - wherever she is hiding. It's been quite a ride so far and I'm nowhere near done. That's not quite what you're after here, but the physical transformation of the last few years has helped my head get in a place where it's ready to weather the storm. The rest is gravy.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    And thank you for posting something for people to celebrate positive things.
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    my mfp FL...some of the coolest ppl I've never met and yet I view them as my family in my own way....:drinker: :drinker:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I tripled my income in my early 30s by hard work and dedication to harnessing my talents.

    I went from "not able to run" to "finishing a half marathon" in a year.

    I have two beautiful little girls to whom I devote my life.
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    I love this post...

    I am proud of having such a handsome four year old son... He is my reason for everything.

    I am proud that I am finally in my senior year of college... Even though my senior year will most likely go into the following year at least a semester lol but its okay!

    most of all, im proud of how much progress i have made emotionally since starting my journey of trying to get into better physical shape.