skinny legs? no extra flab??

dgilner Posts: 120 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I have ALWAYS wanted skinny it even possible or does genetics override? Even at my lowest weight, my legs weren't thin. I'm just curious.
And for all of you who have lost a lot of weight - will the skin tighten back up? I am by no means a "newly overweight" person - and I do work out like a mad woman - weight training and cardio.

Just crunching on some food for thought.

Curious in Kansas~


  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I am curious to see any fitness experts response to this!!
  • I'm curious about this as well.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    I'm am not a fitness expert by far...BUT! I've lost almost 100 pounds total in my life time (since the birth of my son) and let me tell you this: The legs are the only spot that I've had the MOST firming action. I'm not sure if that is just me or if what. To me it makes sense. I do a ton of cardio: kickboxing, zumba, elliptical and my favorite, running. My legs are getting the most of that impact. My stomach I still have to work on a daily basis, my arms on a bi-daily basis. MY legs? Not at all. Other then the cardio exercises...but I don't do anything special to target them nor did I ever. The cardio just took care of that for me.

    Like I said, this could be just me. I'm definitely at my goal weight so I'm sure this helps but I have 0 flab on my legs. I'm 5'3" and my heaviest known weight after having my son was 215 pounds and now I'm 118.
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    I'm beginning to think the only way my thighs will ever be thin is lipo. I'm 5'8", 139 lbs-- all in my thighs
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Well there's no easy answer to your first question. A lot of that has to do with how you work out. Yes, genetics play a part, but not as big of a part as you may think. Skinny is a relative term, you could have shapely attractive legs, some would call them skinny, others may call them attractive, yet others may think they are stocky, it's all a point of view.

    If you're asking what you need to do to lengthen the muscle in the legs, well that's pretty straight forward, stretch muscles to lengthen, and do light resistance longer sets (about 60% max, and 12 to 20 reps) to keep them active without increasing mass.
    distance running can also help to lengthen legs.
    Just remember, if there's fat on your lower half you're looking to get rid of, no exercise in the world will target it, only a calorie deficit will reduce fat.

    As to your second question, the answer is, somewhat. proper nutrition helps a lot with skin elasticity, as well as making sure you wear adequate skin protection in summer months. I know we all want that golden tan, but really, that isn't all that good for you in the long term, especially if you burn. Otherwise, the ways to minimize lose skin is keeping your weight loss at a reasonable pace, giving your body time to recover excess skin on it's own. To much to fast and you risk separating skin from the blood vessels that feed it, making it harder for the body to recover it's tight form. Also, the older we get, the less elasticity your skin will have. In extreme cases, the only recovery is surgery. But that usually cosmetic only as lose skin, while not all that attractive, isn't usually a health risk unless it's severe.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    My legs were skinny in my waitressing days - from all the walking of course. Then I found a sit down job (why the heck did I ever want one of those?!!) So - my legs plumped up. Since I started walking and exercising they have toned up and are skinny again. I don't lift leg weights - I just tone (Jillian Michaels' DVD workouts). But I'm not overweight - in the upper range of "healthy".

    Maybe less weight and more reps?? But I'm no expert. The excess skin I can't help on but I am curious about that. I've always wondered.

  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Not an expert here, but just some personal observations. I have been on my weight loss/fitness journey for about six months now. From what I have learned and experienced, fat will be reduced from all over the body with a steady workout regiment. I've noticed changes in my face, my chest, my stomach and my legs both in fat loss and muscle tone. It takes time, but the changes do happen. The important thing is to measure these areas so that you can track the changes. I've lost 6 inches from around my mid section and more from other areas.

    'Thin' is a very subjective term. There is Hollywood thin, which is generally grotesque. Then one might think of gymnast thin where there is no fat on those bodies, but their thighs are as thick some people's torsos. The bottom line is that the flab eventually goes away and skin elasticity will adjust as long as you're doing things in a healthy way.

    Here's a short article that you might find to be of interest:
  • dgilner
    dgilner Posts: 120 Member
    Well there is no fear of me losing it too fast - that is FOR SURE - ha! It seems to be going oh so very slow. I am researching new eating plans since just counting calories seems to have stalled. I would love any suggestions.
    I appreciate everyone's comments....the sun exposure information was new to me...and deters me from visiting my friend the tanning bed...heavy sigh.

    Thanks so much friends - please feel free to add me - anyone who is interested!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I've always had bigger legs, even for a "thin" person. Distance running has greatly improved my muscle definition and trimmed a few inches off my thighs. My calves have really toned up as well. I also dance, strength train, and do Turbo Fire and pretty much mix up my exercise on a regular basis. Squats and lunges (make sure you do them with weight) can definitely help too. The key is cardio + strength and I think mixing it up is never a bad thing :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    No expert, but some observations.

    no matter how much my sister's weight fluctuates, she pretty much always has skinny legs. Her weight is all in her torso & arms. She doesnt do antyhing special like running or exercising.
    I worked with another lady who had very shapely muscular legs and again carried her weight in her torso.
    I've seen many girls at the gym all very thin up top, with bigger legs, some very toned, others not as much.

    I think there are general things to be done to help guide yourself to where you want to go, but sometimes genetics are going to limit how far or how easily that is reached.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    When I lost 72 lbs at age 46 by swimming 5-6 miles per weeks, my legs looked GREAT from the knees down. But from the knees up it was a different story. Age and 39 years of being overweight left their mark-- I had wrinkles on the wrinkles around my knees, and although my thighs were definitely thinner, it definitely wasn't it a short-shorts kind of way. My mom tells me that my from the back, I could pass for either my grandmother or my paternal aunt because of the shape of my *kitten* and thighs. So there ya go.
  • I have a great blog about loose skin ;) I've only done 3 entries so it's easy to find lol
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