Planters Faceitus - Marathon three weeks

So two weeks ago my right foot started hurting about 6 or 7 miles into my run. Stopped at 8 miles and took it easy for a week. Did stretching, used a foot roller and inserts in my shoes. Went for a run last Saturday for 10 miles and stopped after foot started to hurt again. haven't run since and have a couple appointments. One with chiropractor and one with Podiatrist, Really don't want to miss the Marathon on September 27th. Any suggestions or past experience to pass on?


  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    What is more important to you -- this one specific marathon or taking care of your feet for a few weeks / month? Your feet will carry you to all the places you want to go. Be patient with them for now.
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    my legs were hurting for about the first month I started running, I ran 2 to 6 miles everyday, they only stopped hurting when I took a three day rest, when I did run I ran faster and took off about two mins off of my mile time. Now I take fish oil for recovery, it helps by igniting muscle protein synthesis. You should do short runs as well as long runs, you can also do hiit (High-intensity interval training). try to get Dr Scholl's foot gel pads. Most important go by what the Dr says there will always be more races/Marathons but if you damage your feet you want be able to do any at all.
  • deanrun
    deanrun Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks....haven't run yet...waiting to see what the doc says!
  • deanrun
    deanrun Posts: 15 Member
    I agree....waiting to see doctor. Got some inserts and using them....thanks!
  • odywithaj
    odywithaj Posts: 53 Member
    dean.. Depends on what's causing the plantar ...
    The only way to find out is to see your foot doc..

    Mine was cured by losing weight, and CUSTOM made orthotics. Also, how long have you been running in your current pair of shoes? and did you buy them at a running specialty place where they look at your gait? ( basic questions, but lots of people skip these)

    unfortunatly once you have plantar.. the only way to get rid of it is ice and rest.
  • CathReese33
    CathReese33 Posts: 112 Member
    I have had plantar fasciitis for over a year, when I rest it gets better when I spend too long on feet I am in agony. I have high arches so a good cushioned arch support helps and my trainers are the best shoes I have offering the support my feet need.
    Highly unlikely you will be fit to run :-(