How often do you all have cheat days



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't do cheat days either. If I have an evening out/meal with friends where I know I'll go over, I'll eat less during the day and/or do more exercise and/or make up for it on other days and/or just accept it as part of life, but still log it.

    Similar to other responses, I don't see myself as 'dieting', I'm just making sure I'm eating the right amount for my goals. I don't categorise foods into 'good' or 'bad' so If I want a certain thing I'll find a way to fit it in.

    This, exactly.
  • wenied
    wenied Posts: 4 Member
    I ate 4000 calories yesterday. I usually go 5 or 6 days on the plan and overeat once or twice a week . I'm trying to stay about the same weight right now though. I have a 6 pack that some weeks looks perfect and other weeks goes away based on my food choices.
  • BuckwheatsMomma
    BuckwheatsMomma Posts: 32 Member
    You have to eat 2697 Cals a day?
    That seems like a lot??
    Good luck.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I try to have a calorie average for the week, so I can cycle up and down depending on my plans, but I think I am going to try choosing two days each week where I keep cals low (600), then about 2000 on my other days, for a 1600 per day average.
  • BuckwheatsMomma
    BuckwheatsMomma Posts: 32 Member
    You have to eat 2697 Cals a day?
    That seems like a lot??
    Good luck.
  • myrtille87
    myrtille87 Posts: 122 Member
    Depends on what's going on, really.

    I've been doing this for a month and have logged every day. There have been plenty of days when I've been over my daily calories (usually due to nights out involving alcohol, or a family meal with dessert) but my average for the week has still been under my calorie goal.

    So basically, if an event comes up where I know I will eat more than usual, I go for it. I try to keep food portions sensible and be aware of what I'm eating so I can log it.

    Obviously if I didn't have these days I would lose weight more quickly. But I'd also be miserable if I wasn't participating in social occasions (and I am a massive foodie).

    So far I've been successfully losing at least a pound a week, so I'm not worried that these more relaxed days are a problem. If my weight loss slows significantly I might have to start limiting them a bit more.