How did you set your goal weight???



  • epeebes
    epeebes Posts: 89 Member
    I set mine to be a little less than I was in high school. I've always been thick. I felt healthy at 165 which is overweight for my height. My goal is 135 because I know if I push myself I can get there. Ideally I'd love to be 125 but I have huge boobs so I'm taking that into account :laugh:
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I picked mine based on my BMI healthy weight range and picked one semi-middle.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I looked at what a healthy BMI is, a couple of websites about "ideal weight" and thought about my own weight history. Then, with all that information in mind, I based my goal weight on a range I would like to maintain (140-150). I spoke to a health care professional and received their thumbs up for my target weight. Don't get too hung up on what other people are doing---your goal sounds healthy and reasonable and you are doing such a wonderful job. I've read your blog and you have been making great progress.
  • Toni93
    I am 5'8 and my goal weight is between 180-190. Once upon a time (before children I weighed 140-150 lbs and when I look back at pictures I was a little too small. After children I stayed in the 170-190 range and I thought I was too big but when I look at pictures I actually looked nice. I think it all depends on where you carry your weight. I look nice with weight, I just need to battle my stomach. Hope this helps.

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  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    I am 5'6". When I got married I weighed 130. All I ate was pretzels, and all I drank was Dr. Pepper. I set my goal weight for 140 hoping that I could maintain it and still eat healthy, and not starve myself. If I can get below 140 and still eat & maintain that weight I will be ok with that. When you get down to a weight where you feel comfortable then you have met your goal weight!!
  • amysambora
    Don't be discouraged! Everyone's body is different. My goal is around 120-125 which sounds low but I'm only short. That's where I was comfortable, whereas someone taller may look too thin at that weight. Just aim for a healthy weight for your height and reassess when you get there :)
  • Fineraziel
    Im 5'8 and my goal weight is 145 lbs. That was my weight in college and I loved my body back then. :D

    However, now that I have lost 25 pounds and weight 155 lbs, I see in the mirror that I still have way more than 10 pounds of fat to get rid off. :S (I guess Im less muscular than I was in my college years...)

    So I decided to wait until I reach 145, and then I will see if I need to lower my goal weight or not. ;)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    My first target is my healthy BMI of 24.9. Then I will see where I want to go. I have 122lbs pounds in my head, this was before kids and I was very muscular but I am not sure yet if I want to go there.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I picked mine from knowing what I've weighed in the past. I had to make a little adjustment because I carry less muscle now, but basically my goal weight is one where i can see my abs pretty good.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    If you want my personal opinion and philosophy, goal weights aren't really all that great. Once you get down into the healthy range, I use body fat % and the eyeball test (mirror, tape measure...etc.). Goal ranges I think are decent, say a 10 to 15 lb range, but having a specific arbitrary weight that you decide based on some factor (either former weight, or what some magazine says) isn't a great way to do it IMHO.

    Everyone is different, and the only sure way to know if you are at the right weight is by how healthy you are (via medical testing), plus how you feel, and plus how you look (to both yourself and maybe others if that's something you care about).

    Remember, as we age, our percentages change, what someone weighed 10 years ago may not be right for that person any more, people gain muscle, lose bone mass, increase functional strength, need different muscles based partly on age, partly on lifestyle, so someone who may have been (randomly chosen) 140 lbs in college, can now be completely healthy, and look fantastic at 155 or 160 now.

    The most accurate single determinant for physical health (in a person with no prior medical conditions) IMHO, is body fat %. Everyone has different amounts of type 1 type 2a and type 2b muscle, and those different amounts cause you to weigh different, also fluid volumes, organ size and health, and bone mass all play a roll in weight that won't necessarily show on the outside.

    If you're a 5'9" woman and you weigh 150, but your body fat is 18 or 19% then you're doing awesome, another woman could be 5'9" and weigh 150 but have a body fat % of 25 or 26% which is ok, but not fantastic, same weight, probably don't look much different until they strip down to their skivvies, but the former woman is far healthier.