My self esteem while providing me enviable body

You’re not going to have it now houses you shouldn't have it now even if it’s just you alone because the net you practicing lifestyle techniques that are conducive to what you two are trying to accomplish together if you do not support each other’s process it won't last and timing right now the relationship Kathy you can do this with or without you Indeed to let him know how important it is to me and being away and just be ill talk on the phone and try to explain it isn't a famous him actually seen me and seen how much I've accomplished I just want you to be my equal ideas that's all that I won and that’s just not the way it is in a relationship I love you so much we've got together seventeen years and I want to do this together a man and his term unfortunately had a lot of stuff going on fell back in old habits okay detainment I wanted to be on board and I want to give him all the tools that I’ve been given an support.
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