what is your late snack food?



  • mrsmcmo
    mrsmcmo Posts: 109 Member
    Lately I've been eating a lot of greek yogurt (0%) with fruit of some kind (tonight it was blackberries, but I love canteloupe, strawberries, watermelon, grapes, etc.). Some nights I will have a bowl of cereal, a few crackers, or cherry tomatoes plain or with low cal ranch. I think those are my main "go to's".
  • kharmon2013
    kharmon2013 Posts: 63 Member
    I have a now eating after 8pm rule, and we just close off the kitchen. But I usually have a snack before then. I drink a glass of water...or in your case a no cal drink. Then ask myself if I'm still hungry or just munchy. If I'm munchy I grab a sick of gum. If I'm truly hungry I'll have
    Homemade protein ball or two depends on how many cals I have left
    A Tablespoon of peanut butter
    rice crackers
    Banana ice cream- at least that's what I call it. I freeze bananas and the just take it out and blend it up. Nice and cold, and gets thick like ice cream. I don't add anything.
    Carrot or celery sticks
    Cold watermelon
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Lately it's a bowl of Fruit n Fibre Cereal with Hazelnut Milk.
    Not bad for around 180 cals! :wink:
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Ice cream or GTFO.

  • I usually try to save enough calories for an unhealthy snack lol. Preferrably something with chocolate because I crave sweets. If I don't have something sweet in the evening, I will binge eat something sweet the next day. So I'll have a snack pack chocolate cupcake pudding (100 cal), 1/2 cup chocolate ice cream (120 cal), or something along those lines.
  • I get pints of blueberries when they're on sale at the store and freeze them and then eat them frozen cause they remind me of ice cream lol. I also always have Skinny Pop and Zbars (I know they're for kids but they taste like cookies and do less damage than a regular Clif bar lol) on hand and if I've got enough calories left then I'll mix Bear Naked Chocolate Elation granola with honey greek yogurt :) Nature Box also has some yummy Black & White granola that kicks any chocolate craving I may have at night