Against my better judgement, greetings MFP'ers!



  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    Where in Kansas? I was born and raised in Lawrence. I live in Colorado now. Welcome. I enjoyed reading your post and wish you continued success. I have found some great on line friends on here and have found motivation from people with like goals. It is great but there are some crazy people here. The beauty of it is that unlike facebook (which I am not on because of the drama), you aren't related to them! Great work.

    Feel free to send a friend request. You can always block people if they annoy you.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Ahhh sorry I thought you meant crazy in the other sense rather than you mad crazy people sort of way. Still gratz,
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Funny you mention backing off the Metformin, I had been put on 2/day, but at my most recent appointment the doctor told me to cut back to just 1/day. So things are heading in that direction.

    I have not actually done a 5k yet. No real reason why, just haven't signed up for one, I guess. I'll have to check for one around here. It is probably time to do an official race to get one under my belt.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Aha! There is the "quote" feature I have been looking for. Not sure how I missed it before.
    Where in Kansas? I was born and raised in Lawrence. I live in Colorado now.
    I'm in Lenexa currently. Been in the Kansas City area most of my life.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    This really belongs in the Success thread cuz, like, WOW!!! Congrats to you!
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss success to date! Thanks for sharing. It's always encouraging to hear success stories.
  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    You sound awesome!
    I used to weigh almost 300 pounds at my heaviest and though I was increasingly active through my weight loss journey, I lost most of the weight without real "exercise". When I got to the last 30 pounds, I had to get serious about working out to get it off, and I am having to get serious about it again in order to keep it off.
    Distance walking was my activity choice, but I started jogging the stronger I got and I am currently working my way up to running a 5K.
    I highly recommend yoga. Runners and distance walkers have notoriously tight hip flexors and they can really effect your stride and lasting power. Yoga really helps both loosen and strengthen your hips and legs. It will also help with posture while running, which generally improves efficiency of movement. I found that after I started doing yoga, I had fewer injuries, and I seemed to recover faster from the few that I did have.
    Good luck, and Great job!
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    Sounds like all the weight is in your head, hahaha. Just kidding, of course. It seems like when you sort things and search, the friends you find and make on here are a different breed from the boards. Something about those boards can warp some people. I have seen the silliest arguments and it's like "I know you are, but what am I?" and third grade crap. And trolls can attack more freely there, too. It is entertaining, but in the grand scheme I know what I am here to do, and it ain't puffing my chest and trading insults. Peace, bro.