
Hi MFP friends.. I am in need of some help. I need to lose approx 15-20 pounds. I started T25 last week and love it. I know weight loss is gradual and takes time and perseverance. But I need a small boost to see some results to keep me motivated. I will be on track for 2 weeks, and then completely fall off. Are there any supplements, strategies, programs, apps (other than MFP) that have helped you stay motivated??

I know diet is a big factor in the weight loss equation. I am finding with my crazy work schedule that I am starving all the time. Any tips to decrease hunger? Or again, a safe and effective supplement is really want I am looking for at this point.

Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated! My self-esteem and confidence is not at its highest right now and could really use some encouragement and support.


  • emailme178
    emailme178 Posts: 557 Member
    im pretty new myself and seems no matter how good i do... im stuck after 6lbs loss.... and often finding myself hungry too :( a good breakfast is important for me.... without it im screwed lol... i think the key is smaller snack-like meals throughout the day. and give in to a burger for sure at least once a week lol. if you figure anything else out let me know too :)
  • melissamarie2196
    melissamarie2196 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey..Well me too, I start finding it hard after about 8lbs, I lose the same 8-10 and regain but not anymore, (I hope) lol..This time around Iam just trying to drink more water, be more aware of what Iam eating and what its costing me and Iam just sick and tired of me....I got to get this in place, hang in there and just try little changes here and there and always feel free to ask for help or support, Iam here...;)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Welcome... weight loss is not linear and is definitely frustrating, but it doesn't have to be difficult. I would check out some of these links to get started:

    **Helpful Information**'re+new+here

    TL:DR the link right above this one then ->


    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Want to lift heavy things?

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group
  • jesszing
    jesszing Posts: 22 Member
    I make sure I have a good breakfast and that I'm drinking enough water throughout the day!!

    Also, I have noticed eating a portion of a meal and taking a break for about 20-30 minutes before deciding to eat again is very helpful too!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I have found that weighing myself officially once a week and recording measurements from my arms, quads, bust, waist, and hips helps to keep me motivated. Some weeks I have gained a pound or two, but I have lost several inches and can feel my clothes fitting better. I try to use both as sources of motivation.

    I usually have Papa John's pizza once a week but try to work it into my calorie goal for the day. I will have a burger or Japanese food every so often, but I really try to work it into my daily calorie goal or exercise extra that day to give me some wiggle room. I don't want to have a big cheat meal or cheat day that completely wrecks my hard work for the week.

    I try not to eat candy bars or chips any more but instead go for a small handful of dark chocolate chips or I eat baked potato chips from the single serving bags.

    For my crazy schedule, I have found that taking one day to portion out the correct serving sizes and placing my snacks in a snack bag helps considerably. When packing my lunch and snacks for the day I grab the pre-made baggies and can avoid eating 2 or 3 servings by having everything portioned out already. I pack my lunch with plenty of fruit, laughing cow 35 calorie cheese wedges, some almonds, a greek yogurt, salad or soup, and some carrots. This keeps me from visiting the vending machine to grab junk. I also drink a lot of water and rarely "drink" my calories, pop, milkshakes, and juices are pretty much gone from my diet. Every so often I will get a craving for one of those items and will try to drink less than a cup. Knowing that I have food that I can quickly eat without much preparation helps to make it easier to eat while on the go. Several days I have drove home and ate my apples and carrots because I didn't get to eat while at work.

    Also, look for non scale victories to help keep you motivated about your weight loss journey. Clothes fitting better, feeling stronger, sleeping better, eating less junk food and more of the healthy food, cooking new foods, being able to perform exercises that you never thought you were capable of doing.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to add me. Best of luck on your journey! :)