If you were a soda drinker,

what made you give it up????

I know it's horrible for me, but I CRAVE Coke alot...I thought I had given it up and then I had one at a Christmas party... :( I normally don't even keep it at the house, but bought some a few days ago. I'm doing so good with my weight loss and don't want to screw it up.

Any ideas as to how I can give it up for good???


  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    I go to stop and shop (dont know if you have that where your located) but in the soda aisle they have these flavored waters. They have a little carbonation and theyre tropical fruit flavored. I havent tried a flavor i didnt like. It usually gets my fix off soda bc of the fizzy's. Theyre cheap too... like 39 cents a bottle.I know its not a coke but you may enjoy it better. If you look at the label its got 0 down the line. Good luck!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    My evil soda addiction was Mountain Dew. I was tired of depending on it all the time. I got no benefit or pleasure from it. I mean, I LOVED it so much, but everytime I'd open it, I'd be like man, I gotta give it up! I started on here, and went off of it for 2 days and just drank water those two days. Almost like a detox. I tried it two days later, and GAGGED!!! It was disgusting for me. I drink soda on occasion now, like once or twice a month, and it's not the kind that I prefer, so that's good.
  • craigdean
    I switched to Coke Zero. It is not giving up soda but at least going with something that has zero calories and I don't think that it tastes like a diet soda.
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    I used to keep Pepsi in business back in the day. I actually gave up drinking regular soda during finals of my senior year of college. That year from May - November I didn't have any of it. On Thanksgiving I remember pouring myself some and thought it was very sugary and couldn't believe I once loved it. A few years later I switched and started drinking diet, but I gave that up within the last year. Now I don't miss it. Also the initial 15 pound weight loss from giving it up in college was a real motivator not to drink it.
  • andreadawn1012
    andreadawn1012 Posts: 52 Member
    I crave Coke a lot of days as well. I will allow myself one IF I have the extra calories to have it. I typically try to drink lots of water so I won't be thirsty and feel that I need it.
  • abeautifulvoice
    I used to live at a Church camp and we had access to the Pepsi machine. I would fill a huge mug several times a day. Blech! After we moved down from the mountains, back to the city I started drinking iced tea. I still crave a regular Pepsi now and then. But, if I do have soda, it's usually diet. I can't say I really "gave it up" just stopped drinking it so frequently and found a better alternative that I do like more.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    I went cold turkey on this one. I used to drink about 64 to 120 oz a day and when I started this journey I just said no more. I REALLY wanted it so bad for a week but I resisted. So after a week I had one on accident and it was so gross!!! It tasted like sugar water! I actually thought I had gotten a bad drink! After that, I don't ever want to drink them. Maybe cold turkey isn't for you, but try it and see. I only drink water now, plain ol' water all day long. I used to hate it and now I love it and crave it!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I agree with the idea of the carbonated flavored water, they taste great and are cheap. For me, about two years ago I was going through an entire 12-pack of diet coke a DAY! Now, I drink maybe a can or two a week. I started drinking by carrying around crystal light packets, to get my fix of something that tasted sweet while breaking my addiction to the bubbles (mmmm I loved those bubbles!) From there, I started dropping it down and focusing only on water. It's a lot cheaper, and has no calories... kind of hard to go wrong. Now, if I drink pop, I have to pour it in a glass and let some of the bubbles out first otherwise I can't drink it, and if I drink too much of it I start craving water from all of the sodium in it! Best of luck!!
  • cjkasseckert
    cjkasseckert Posts: 53 Member
    I have one diet coke per day (well occasionally two).... that is down from the 3 to 4 cans I used to have per day. The rest of the day is water.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    I gave up diet coke. It's not the sugar that's the problem though. I tried flavoured water (carbonated) too and I like it, but....

    The only thing I found worked to get me off the pop was to drink scads of regular fresh water every day. I'm blessed to be in an area where the water tastes better than the bottled stuff, which is kind of flat imo.

    I wound up with savage headaches for about 5 days and then I was free. I don't know if that's the carbonation or something else in the Coke (hmmmmm) but there's definitely something there that's addictive, because I got the withdrawal symptoms even with drinking a 4 oz. espresso latte in a beer mug (skim of course) every day.

    The good thing is that it seems to help weight loss to be off it. That's really incentive enough.

    I've been off the stuff since September and I don't miss it.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Maybe try reading up on how unhealthy soda is for our bodies? It may help to have reasons NOT to drink it, as well as some tasty, healthy alternatives on hand. Here's an article to get you started: http://www.emedexpert.com/tips/soft-drinks.shtml

    Best wishes!! :)
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I do well with tapering off. I used to have a Coke with breakfast, lunch, dinner and anytime I had a snack. I was easily drinking 5/6 a day! I cut back to only with meals, which was 3/day, and then only meals at work, which is 2/day. I'm still stuck there, although if I'm running short on calories I'll drink water with lunch instead. I do find that if I cave and drink one with dinner or something that I almost immediately fall back into my old habits and I have to start over again. Some people are addicted to smoking or alcohol or chocolate, but I've definitely got a soda addiction!
  • Kera885
    When I gave up soda it wasn't something that I was trying to do, it just kind of happened. I just started drinking a lot more water, if you give up soda for a few days and only drink water your system will get used to it. Every now and again (like every month or every other month or so) I'll have a sip of soda just because of an odd craving and it's never as good as I remember and it makes me want to gag. Not only that, but the last time I drank a full can of soda was more than a month ago and it made me so sick and the next day I was sweating and gross and sluggish, I hated that feeling! Water is so much better and your body will come to love it :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I drink diet pepsi, or pepsi max. It's the one indulgance I refuse to give up. It has zero calories and I don't care about the aspartame. I'm sure i'll get cancer from my dish detergent, laundry soap, hairbrush, toothpaste and choice of underwear as well so, i'm not worried about it.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I switched to sparkling water that has zero sodium and no artificial sweetners. It helps the bubble craving.
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    i've not been able to give up soda. I just limit the amount that i drink and drink water the rest of the day.
  • Cristy_AZ
    I also, switched to carbonated water, gives you the bubble fix, and sometimes I'll add a splash of "just cherry juice" or apple cider for flavor.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I was never a soda drinker but my husband is. He can easily drink a few two liters in a weekend by himself. He has however started drinking more of the sobe lifewater and water with flavor packets.
  • cerace
    cerace Posts: 5 Member
    Try Coke Zero. It will NEVER be a real, delicious, satisfying Coke; but it will curb the craving. I know I should stop drinking diet soda's all together but I'm not going to lie to myself; I hate making a commitment and then going back on it....so I opt not to! LOL. I also enjoy flavored seltzer or perrier/pelagrino. Good luck!!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    At the time I was just so dedicated and committed to losing the weight that I didn't even have second thoughts. I just stopped drinking anything except water. This was in June and I still do the same except I added in protein shakes. Now any super carbonated drinks really ruin my stomach. I get horrible gas pains.