Tips for eating healthy in college?

Living on campus! Have a meal plan with the school, but not enough funds to actually eat every meal at the café.

I eat three meals a day plus snacks.
Any ideas on healthy college meals and snacks?
Simple is best.


  • gdreeves71
    Do you have a fridge in your room? Buy things like deli meat (not prepackaged) and use hummus instead of mayo. Also great for chips instead of dip. I like roasted red pepper hummus by sabra as a sub for mayo/mustard. Grapes, Bananas, some dark chocolate kisses for cravings, nuts, etc. Drink skim milk or flavored water (get something like Mio to carry with you to flavor your water). Popcorn instead of chips.

    If you have to do cafeteria food....try to get more veggies/salad instead of carbs. And load up on protein. You can get burgers without buns, etc. Stay away from the beer if you can lol.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Don't fill your plate.
    Incorporate veggies whenever you can; I used to bring over veggies from the salad bar to the pasta station and have those cooked with my pasta.
    Get a dorm fridge and keep it stocked with bulk purchases of fruit and veggies for snacking.
    Do the same with nonperishables; buy in bulk, and buy things you know you can enjoy within reason. I love breakfast bars, nuts, kettle chips, peanut butter and crackers, and wheat crackers for dipping in to hummus.