Bridalplasty... what a joke!

I'm a little bored today, so I am just posting some topics that I have thought about lately.

I'm not sure if anyone has posted anything on E!'s new reality show Bridalplasty yet, but my husband and I were watching a rerun of this show last night. I am a reality TV show junky and he's just a nice husband that'll watch with me, but give me his two cents on how ridiculous the show is! For those of you that don't know what the show is basically there are several women who are engaged and want various types of plastic surgeries. They did a consulation on the first show and put together their wish lists. Then each week they compete in various competitions and whoever becomes "top bride" for the week gets to undergo one of the surgeries on their wish list. Then they vote to send one of the 3 bottom brides home. The last stnading girl when the shower is over gets to have all the surgeries on their wish list and then gets to have a Hollywood wedding. Shana Mogler is the host of the show and ends each show with telling the voted off bride, "your wedding will still go on, but just won't be perfect!"

To me this show is absolutely ridiculous! What man would want their future bride to walk down the aisle looking completely different than how they have looked the entire span of their relationship?!?!? I'd be curious to see how many of these relationships actually last after they come home after having all this plastic surgery done! Now, I'm not against plastic surgery at all but wanting to completely change the way you look, just so you can look "perfect" for your wedding day is a little extreme!!


  • ElizabethMcCathern
    What the heck???
    That makes me sad.
    Two thumbs waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down. :(
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I think there is something very dark in these shows and more than a bit depressing. I am not against plastic surgery, but there is something wrong with thinking you have to do all this in order to be happy or complete.

  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    truly sad! but its almost like a train wreck you have to watch! lol i too am a reality show junkie. Maybe they need to do a reality show about rehab for people that are addicted to reality shows. Wait, do they already have it? lol
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    I am surprised that these ladies dont feel insulted by the comment the host makes when they get evicted. Why would anyone buy into the idea that they need plastic surgery to have a perfect wedding? I feel sorry for the men that are marrying these women, cos they have issues that if they dont address will mess up their psyche.

    I think its funny that plastic surgery that was originally meant for burn victims or people who were disfigured by illnesses or accidents is now a fashion must. I am not speaking like this cos i have a perfect body, far from it, but the body i have is mine, its real and i love it.

    I am not against plastic surgery, i believe that there are legitimate reasons to have them, but this is extreme and sad.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    To me this show is completely IDIOTIC!!! The girls that are on there obviously don't have very high self esteem. I was 30 lbs. heavier on my wedding date than I am now. My husband to be loved me just as much as he loves me today. I would hope, at some point, the men catch on and tell their women what they really think. There is no such thing as "PERFECTION". No matter who plans, or hosts, or puts together a wedding. Something will always go wrong. There will always be something the Bride ends up not liking about herself, her dress, her hair, the flowers, the bridesmaids. Perfection does not exist!!!
    When are people going to get that through their heads!
    Well there I go ranting again. Just what I think!
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    These women are of age right? I'm pretty sure they have a right to do what they want to themselves. It's certainly not for me (extreme plastic surgery), but I don't see why I should care if someone else does it. Of course if it does bother me, I can simply not watch/support it, right?

    I'm not sure I'd want to watch that show mostly because I think all the wedding shows that make a big huge *kitten* deal out of them are crazy. I'm far more concerned about people starting their marriages thousands and thousands in debt because they had a wedding they can't really afford. I think a lot of these shows (bridezilla, platnum weddings, etc) encourages the idea of 'who cares what it costs'.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    No way I will give this show my ratings, it's absolutely absurd and a little disturbing. I just don't know.. we seem to have our reality t.v. priorities a little backward. I think they should be doing more good like the Biggest Loser and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I just don't understand how this is helping anyone when it comes down to it.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    My husband took this time to ask me, "if I was on this show, what would I want to have done?" So I said, "Oh I don't know, maybe a little lipo and a boob job." I then got an ear full about how crazy either of those would be and he would never allow me to be on a show such as this. I think the question was a total set up for him to tell me how perfect he thought I was.... Don't mean to brag but I think I may have the best hubby ever! :wink:
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Thank you for the reminder of why I always skip right past that channel on the occasions I actually watch television. What crap!
  • lpmotley
    I agree it is really Sad. I couldn't believe it when I saw it.. Although I have to admit I have morbid curiosity about the show.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    To me this show is completely IDIOTIC!!! The girls that are on there obviously don't have very high self esteem. I was 30 lbs. heavier on my wedding date than I am now. My husband to be loved me just as much as he loves me today. I would hope, at some point, the men catch on and tell their women what they really think. There is no such thing as "PERFECTION". No matter who plans, or hosts, or puts together a wedding. Something will always go wrong. There will always be something the Bride ends up not liking about herself, her dress, her hair, the flowers, the bridesmaids. Perfection does not exist!!!
    When are people going to get that through their heads!
    Well there I go ranting again. Just what I think!

    It really is sad, b/c every one of the women on there are really pretty and have great qualities/features about them. But for some reason they think their small chest or the bump on their nose or their slight love handles makes them less attractive. One of the girls on there was actually on the Biggest Loser. I'm not sure what season but her name is Alexandria, beautiful face. She was the one that got proposed to on the Biggest Loser finale. She wants a tummy tuck. There is one that has served in the military.... Just frustrating to me that some of these women have already accomplished so much in their lives and they are kind of tarneshing their reputations with being on this shohw.
  • MalTru
    MalTru Posts: 37
    I've never watched the show, but I saw a clip on The Soup- it makes me sick thinking that this show is exploiting these women (and that they're exploiting themselves). Clearly they have low self-esteem and confidence issues, because, at least the girls I saw on the clip, were already very pretty and didn't need any plastic surgery! It's not like they had been disfigured in some horrible accident or something- they're all just insecure women! And, since I've never watched I can't completely judge, but shouldn't these women really be getting counseling rather than plastic surgery? It's just a gross concept, and besides clips I see on The Soup, I won't be watching.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    My husband took this time to ask me, "if I was on this show, what would I want to have done?" So I said, "Oh I don't know, maybe a little lipo and a boob job." I then got an ear full about how crazy either of those would be and he would never allow me to be on a show such as this. I think the question was a total set up for him to tell me how perfect he thought I was.... Don't mean to brag but I think I may have the best hubby ever! :wink:

    You go girl! Give your hubby a big hug for this! My boyfriend would have raised his eyebrows at the idea of a boob job and said "hubba hubba" but I can't help but love him lol
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    To me this show is completely IDIOTIC!!! The girls that are on there obviously don't have very high self esteem. I was 30 lbs. heavier on my wedding date than I am now. My husband to be loved me just as much as he loves me today. I would hope, at some point, the men catch on and tell their women what they really think. There is no such thing as "PERFECTION". No matter who plans, or hosts, or puts together a wedding. Something will always go wrong. There will always be something the Bride ends up not liking about herself, her dress, her hair, the flowers, the bridesmaids. Perfection does not exist!!!
    When are people going to get that through their heads!
    Well there I go ranting again. Just what I think!

    It really is sad, b/c every one of the women on there are really pretty and have great qualities/features about them. But for some reason they think their small chest or the bump on their nose or their slight love handles makes them less attractive. One of the girls on there was actually on the Biggest Loser. I'm not sure what season but her name is Alexandria, beautiful face. She was the one that got proposed to on the Biggest Loser finale. She wants a tummy tuck. There is one that has served in the military.... Just frustrating to me that some of these women have already accomplished so much in their lives and they are kind of tarneshing their reputations with being on this shohw.

    To be honest, I can understand the idea of wanting a tummy tuck after losing so much weight. My uncle had gastric bypass for health reasons and is more miserable than ever because of all of the extra skin. For her, she's lost all this weight, but maybe she still wants to wear that cute top that shows her tummy on her honeymoon? I feel that's a lot more realistic and acceptable than a nose job or something like that. I'm not saying that I'm a fan of the show, not at all, but I can understand this one a little bit more.
  • laurenbausch
    This show is TV crack! I am totally addicted. . .I know, it's sad. I can't help but wonder if I was on the show, would I really go through with the surgeries? Those women look totally busted up and in pain after the procedures. I will admit though, I always find myself doing reps with dumbells while watching because I want to look great on my special day without plastic surgery. . .I think this show actually in some sick way motivates me! So, I'll keep watching the reality tv trainwreck every Sunday night even though my fiancee rolls his eyes when I get so excited!
  • laurenbausch
    I totally agree about the tummy tuck! I hope she gets it before another girl gets boobs or a nose job. All the girls are so pretty!
  • jabberjaws77
    jabberjaws77 Posts: 72 Member
    I think television is pretty much a waste of time and it just keeps getting more & more ridiculous as time goes on. I am the opposite......I am not a reality show junkie, Im a reality show I can't stand reality tv, but if we have to have it, (i agree with the other comment) I'd rather see things like biggest loser, extreme makeover, the locator, things that actually motivate or help people, not any of this other stuff. As for that show in particular, its so absurd, I don't even think it deserves to be talked about, or on air for that matter. I don't understand how people can really be that shallow. There is so much more in this world, worth seeing, doing, learning, & experiencing, & I think people that do half these shows are missing out on the things that really matter most because they are wasting too much time & energy worrying about & doing really petty stuff just to get on tv. You used to have to be talented to be on tv.....whatever happened to that?
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    This show completely disgusted me after watching for only a few minutes!

    First, I can't believe that the show essentially says that looking like a barbie doll = perfect wedding. I suspect that many of the contestants have deeper psychological issues that aren't being addressed at all. These chicks just come off as spoiled and selfish.

    I was also insulted by the fact that pretty much every contestant wanted liposuction (you can look at all their wants on the E! website for the show) but did not seriously need it. They are all very pretty already. My gut reaction was something along the lines of "shut up and go to the gym!"

    Finally, what kind of future husbands would let their fiancees go on a show like this? Did they just agree and say "yep, I think you need all those surgeries too"? I'm fairly sure they didn't put conditions on their wedding proposal, such as "will you get a nose job and THEN marry me?"

    Sorry for the rant, but there's just so much wrong with that show that it makes me sick!
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    A friend of mine referred to the "finished" version of this type of woman as a "vase"... beautiful on the outside and completely empty on the inside, except for what somebody else puts into her. I suppose that could be quite a sexual comment, if you took it that way.

    What is particularly horrifying is that someone would want to be one.

    Consider it... a vase wannabe.

    Very sad.