Q about weight loss cals and maintenance cals

Hi everyone! Sorry about all the questions from me over the last couple days, I am starting to become obsessed with losing the rest of my weight. :/

Height is 5'2, my starting weight was 130lbs on July 28, and I am currently at 120lbs. My goal weight was 115lbs, but I will see how I feel once I drop those 5lbs - I may go to about 110lbs. I noticed recently that my weight loss has been slowing quite a bit, so I changed my goals on MFP from 1lb weight loss per week to 1.5, which gives me a daily calorie allowance of 1200. I have been going over the past few days and I am okay with that because I have also been exercising, and I know that 1200 is quite low (previously my goal was 1510/day, however most days I was under that). So, I am concerned that my body will end up in starvation mode and not want to drop any more lbs. Of course want to lose the weight as quickly as possible, but I want to be able to maintain and stay healthy in the process. So I'm wondering if I should be eating more?

My second question is regarding maintaining my goal weight. Just to see what it would say, I changed my MFP goal to maintain weight, and it told me my daily cals would be 1700. I don't quite understand how I could go from eating 1200-1300 cals per day to 1700 per day (if I wanted to stay at this weight, which I don't) , and not gain anything. Can someone explain it to me?

Thanks a million!


  • gingerpeachy6
    gingerpeachy6 Posts: 74 Member

    To answer the first question, I would say to see how your body feels and your energy levels to see if you should be eating more.

    For question two, it sounds like MFP is putting you at a 500 calorie a day deficit to lose a lb a week (3500 calories is 1 lb) so that may be why it is putting you up to that level.

    As you get near your goal weight it will be harder to lose, please don't get discouraged. All bodies are different and it's really about inches and health and not a number :)