Seattle anyone?

Hey everyone! I will be moving to seattle come january 23rd from florida! I'm very excited! I stayed there during the summer and did almost the whole P90x plan! (couldnt finish since I had to drive back home). I would really like to meet people in the area who would like to work out. Im starting the C25K plan soon as I have the gear for it (cold weather is not my thing) and maybe do either p90x again or Turbo Jam...I'd love a C25K running/jogging buddy =) Any takers please?I'll be staying in Redmond by the Microsoft campus =)

Oh...i'm not new to this site...I joined this summer and stopped after I got to florida and gained back all the weight (plus some) due to my horrible all nighter habits (last semester at FAU had me living at DD with XL coffee and munchkins...blahhh) Thankfully, I love running and working out so I cant wait to start, but I find a workout buddy keeps me in track to push each other to work out! =)

Happy holidays everyone! =)