How does the Calorie Count work?

Ok, so maybe I'm just clinically retarded, but I can't figure out how to read this calorie count machine. ha.

If my goal is 2,400 calories a day, but I work out for 2 1/2 hrs in the am and an hour at night, burning about 2000 calories a day on average, what number should I be shooting for?

For instance, after all my food intake yesterday,and adding in exercises, I am at 1,800 calories remaining. Is that good or bad?

I've lost 55 pounds since August 1st, 2010, on my current dietary and workout regimen, so, I know it's working. I would just like to be able to take full advantage of this program but I don't completely understand it.

Thanks :)
337lb as of August 1st 2010
Currently 282


  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    It works like this... The calories you eat - the calories you burn off = your net calories.

    If the sight is telling you that your net calories are 2,400, and you work off 2,000 per day, you can eat 4,400.

    Regarding having 1,800 left over... that's probably because you work out so much. You might be able to slow it down a little, or eat a little more. 3 and a half hours of exercise per day seems like something that's going to be hard to keep up in the long run. If you go based on this sight your weight loss may slow down, but it will likely be more healthy and easier to sustain over a long period of time.

    I hope this helps!
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Hi, the concept confused me as well when i first joined and it still does. Basically MFP expects you to eat back what you have burned since a calorie deficit has already been calculated for you during your profile set up. Some people eat everything back, some eat half back, and some dont eat it at all.

    My advice is to do what works for you. If your old way has worked for you in the past, how about incorporating the MFP method and see how it works out for you. Some days i eat back, some days i dont, depending on how full/hungry i am. Some days i have about 800 from exercise, and i usually cannot eat it back in-addition to my normal calorie requirement.

    Listen to your body, on days that you can, eat some back (maybe half or a quarter at least). Dont starve yourself and watch your body for negative effects of not having enough food.

    There are people who have been here longer and can speak better about this. Good luck and welcome
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    This might help - posted it on another thread...

    Calories remaining = goal + exercise calories - calories consumed
    Net Calories = calories consumed - exercise calories

    You want calories remaining to be close to 0 at the end of the day, and Net calories to be close to your base goal (before exercise calories are added). It's okay if you don't eat ALL your exercise calories - this will leave you with some calories remaining and a net calories that is lower than your base goal, but most people say that your NET calories shouldn't regularly be lower than 1200 or so.

    Edited to add: The more you have to lose, the higher the deficit your body can tolerate. Someone with 100+ to lose would probably be okay with a deficit higher than 1000 (which is the max this site will recommend - 2 lbs/week) but someone with only 40 to lose shouldn't have as high of a deficit.

    Keep in mind, if you have 1800 calories left, then that means your deficit for that day was 1800 PLUS whatever you picked as your goal (2lbs/week = 1000 calorie deficit, 1 lb/week -= 500, etc.), because MFP builds the deficit into your goal each day.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Hi! First..., CONGRATS!!! You are doing amazing already! Second, you are supposed to try and eat the calories it gives you extra when you exercise. Being a little under is good but not THAT under. With all the exercise you are doing, you want to make sure you are eating enough to keep your muscles going. Protein helps muscles heal so I usually eat over my protein every day but try to stay under my calorie count. Good Luck!!! This is a great site once you get used to it.
  • bstrength85
    bstrength85 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks WYZE, good goal weight! My prayers are with ya' that you can make it there, thanks for the help!

    Sweetheart03622, Thanks a lot! I totally agree about not being able to keep that regiment up forever. I am boxing at night for an hour, and working out for a few hours early in the AM. I think it's more of an initial approach, a 6mth-1yr plan to get to goal weight, than I can work out a bit less to maintain goal weight. I really appreciate your help!!!
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    Awww, thats sweet of you, Thanks. You've made my day, and glad i could help.

    The people here are so supportive and i learn from them everyday. Try to make as much friends as you can. I wish you luck also and pray that we all reach our goals

    "To a healthy body, soul and mind" :flowerforyou: :smile: