One of my 16 new "rules" - GET SUPPORT :) New friends?

iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hey everyone! As some of you may have read from my blog posts in the past week and a half, I am modeling my fitness goal for the new year on an article I read called Get Off Your Butt: 16 Ways to Get Motivated When You’re in a Slump. Among the many cool tips for staying motivated is "Get Support". So I thought it was a good time to revamp my friends list here on MFP - not that I don't LOVE my friends, but I can always use more!!!! :)

No real requirements, though I do request my friends be respectful of my choice to wait to "bring out the big guns" til the new year. You can read more about my reasoning on my previous blog entries and my profile. And I'd really prefer friends who eat 1200+ net calories per day.

I need me some more supportive, respectful, healthy friends to get fit with! :)
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