Any Nighshift workers with an open diary?

Hi everyone, im up at 6am with 3 kids, busy with fitness, chores etc, then go to work until 1.30am. Its a long day and im having trouble spreading my calories out enough and am starving when I get home after work - are there any nightshifters out there with open diaries I can peek at for ideas please?


  • jenlaura
    jenlaura Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry my diary isn't open, but I work night shift (11pm-8am) I'm pretty active in my role, I'm not sure what your job entails but I will tell you what I do. I generally pack a healthy "lunch" type of food like a pitta bread with some chicken etc to have on my biggest break (my shift is 9-10 hours) and then some fruit/nuts etc for my 2 other breaks I get. I go home, have breakfast (green thick smoothie, or bran flakes) and I sleep until dinner late afternoon. I might have a snack before work like some fruit or popcorn.

    Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and try to catch up on sleep you are missing because you do sound very busy. Try to eat every 3 hours you are awake something small maybe.

    If your stomach is rumbling, please eat something :-)
  • Thank you for the reply. Nice to see what others do. Yes it's a tough thing for our bodies to cope with which is why I don't want to starve myself. Cheers
  • I work overnight and my diary is open...feel free to look around.
  • same here
  • Weightwatcher72
    Weightwatcher72 Posts: 95 Member
    I work nights on the weekend only 10pm to 7am, I think my diary is open, you're more than free to look through it on those days x
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    I work 5 pm - 1:30 am. I usually get up around 9:30ish. I go to the gym for about an hour come home shower and prep my meals. I've been on this shift for about 10 months and I still feel like I'm not getting enough sleep. Its a rough shift but the benefits keep me going for my family. We got a baby on the way so my sleep hours and gym time will probably decrease dramatically. I eat 2 big meals day and a snack on my first break.