increasing my calorie intake!!!

So I have been messing around with my settings/daily calorie limit. I was on a 1200 and just increased to 1420. I read about eating more to lose and I'm pessimistic about it but let's see how it goes. I'm loving the progress I've made so far. No weight loss but body is tighter....if I start seeing flab after a couple of weeks or so, I'm dropping my cals and concluding this eat more to lose BS ain't my cup of tea. fingers crossed;)


  • erialcelyob
    erialcelyob Posts: 341 Member
    I'm the same I've been at 1360 for a while and I've just put it up to 1500, heres hoping its for the best :)
  • jennjenn760
    jennjenn760 Posts: 36 Member
    I am in the same boat!! Apparently my maintance is about 1800 ...i have been at 1400 for a few months then dropped to 1250-1300 to not notice any difference in composition ...I am upping my calories to 1600 (replacing what I burn as I was at such a defeciet as well). I gain weight so easy so if I notice any significant weight changes as in body fat...I will prove that eat more to lose wrong! If I dont gain but dont notice any changes for the better..then I will go up to 1800. Good luck to us!
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Eating more to lose is about reverse dieting due to a depressed metabolism via large caloric deficits run for an extended period of time. If ones metabolism is severely depressed, then fixing it, i.e... scaling back up your calories slowly over time will address the issue so you can then go onto a smaller deficit than where you were originally to lose weight, thus you are able to eat more compared to what you were eating and lose. So for example, if your maintenance calories were 2000 and all of a sudden you started eating at 1000 everyday (using even numbers to keep it easy) for several weeks. Yes, you would lose a bunch of weight, but you would also severely depress your metabolism to where the body would adapt to surviving on that low of a caloric intake and weightloss would stop until you dropped calories even more (health would suffer in some form or fashion). Now if you were to all of a sudden start eating back at 2000 calories (even though this was your maintenance before), your body would see this as over feeding and fat would come back with a vengeance. So to fix this, you step your calories up slowly and over time to eventually get your metabolism stabilized to "normal" and once this is done, you can go on a more conservative deficit to lose. So where you were only eating 1000 calories before and at some point not losing anything, now your metabolism is fixed and eating 1500 calories and losing weight (thus in the end, eating more to lose weight).
  • Litababy5
    Litababy5 Posts: 68 Member
    I pray I get positive results... I am not concerned about what the scale says as long as I look good. thanks y'all for your input. wish you the best of luck on your fitness journey.