Ballerina, looking for friends, and trying to be vegan!

Hello! I am a ballerina, who is hoping to pursue a professional career in ballet, and really trying to quickly get in shape! I've always loved food, which is good and bad. I binge-eat too much, and am struggling to break that habit. I also need to start fueling my body properly. Audition season is this winter, and I need to look and feel my best. I would love any advice and tips from other users. I'd also like friends! I am also willing to give advice to others if requested.

Stay healthy,

Meghan Buddy


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    If you haven't been fuelling your body properly then the binge eating could be the direct result of that. It's a basic survival response that stopped our evolutionary ancestors starving to death by accident.

    A lot of people seem to forget this (or not be aware of it) and just expect the body to not respond to not getting enough energy day after day. They believe they have a psychological issue with the binge eating and don't seem to realise that it's a normal physiological response (binge eating can be psychologically based, that's a whole different kettle of fish, but even if that is the case eating too little and triggering the binge eating survival response is going to make it 100x worse). You're calling it a bad habit... and you're saying you need to start fuelling your body properly, so it seems to me that eating more would take care of the binge eating.

    Going by your pic you're already in shape so if you're not happy with your body, it could be that you need to learn to see yourself as others see you rather than over-focusing on tiny flaws (everyone has them.... that's why photoshopping exists, and that only removes the "flaws" from the actual pictures, the models still have the bits that are photoshopped out)..... normally I would recommend weight lifting to develop the muscles because this firms up the body and gives it a good shape but if you're regularly doing ballet then this is going to have mostly the same effect as you have to be very strong to be a ballerina... so that brings us back to the issue of over focusing on tiny flaws. If you've put on a significant amount of fat since that picture was taken then a very small deficit and a high protein diet with weight training to protect your lean mass should get rid of it slowly. Trying to lose it too quickly results in loss of lean mass and still not being happy with your body, because the body fat percentage typically doesn't change when you do this, you just get lighter and lose the firmness that you get from strong muscles.
  • meghanbuddy27
    Thanks for that bit of information!
  • JennaViolet
    JennaViolet Posts: 11 Member

    I'm not replying to give any diet plans or advise but just to say hello because I do ballet lessons (no where near good enough to say 'I am a Ballerina' haha) and I am a vegan!

    I was vegetarian for 10 years and then this summer took the step into vegan so I thought there's two things we have in common.
    And a third... I love food too.

    So I am happy to be your friend if you like to give ideas on veggi/veganness and I would love to pick your brain on the sort of ballet things you do cus I love it :D
  • meghanbuddy27
    Sure! I can give you recipes and meal tips when ya need ;)
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    hey i think for a ballerina a mostly raw diet would be a good idea just becareful not to become obsessive with it ballet, figure skating and other sports that focus on grace and looks puts you at a 20% higher risk of developing an ED then the general population which already stands at 1 in 9 females so just make sure your constantly paying attention to making sure you have body positive healthy thoughts, that said has great healthy recipes all vegan many raw :)