I'm here to stop binge eating

Hey my names Nicole and I've been here for about 3 weeks now. I'm here, not because I'm hugely unhappy with my body, but because I need to change my unhealthy relationship with food. I'm a huge binge eater and have been for at least 5 years(I'm 19). I've done the exercise and healthy eating thing successfully multiple times but always fall back into the binge cycle. I warn you now, this post is probably going to turn in to one big emotional rant/vent.

So I've always loved food, baking, cooking, eating. I guess you could say it's a passion of mine. This often verges on obsession which then leads to my bingeing. When I'm going through a binge phase I literally feel like it is my sole duty to stuff my face and sabotage all m healthy efforts. Honestly I don't even know where to start with this. So I pretty much have no self control, put a box of Oreos in front of me and I WILL eat the whole thing. Most of my binge foods are bread and sweets. I'll start with something normal like cookies or cereal but then as the binge progresses, I'll start making weird mixtures ingredients, sometimes making some sort of cookie dough or brownie type thing or frosting. One time I even had most of a block of butter on graham crackers because I liked the way it tastes. Often I'll bake just so I can eat the majority of the product. Some days I'll even go out and binge where I'll go to the store for a bag of chocolates, then cake at a cafe and so on.

There is no stopping me, I will eat until I feel so sick I can't walk. Despite that, I've still never made my self throw up after(although I've wanted to). My binges are not emotional like most people think, I do it because I love how the food tastes and feels. I'd love to be able to let go and eat an entire cake which, surprise, I have. It feels good to eat and it makes me happy to binge and not care and just eat what I want(I guess you can say that is a bit emotional). But really, I just want to be able to have a couple of chocolates and not have to eat the whole box. I want to stop being obsessed.

On the flip side, these past 3 weeks have been really good. I find tracking my calories is the only thing that keeps me from eating everything and running helps too. I'm really hoping to change myself slowly over the next year to free myself from this burden. I've tried and failed many times but I'm feeling really positive about this one. So if you've read this far, you're a trooper and thank you. Please feel free to add me as a friend, especially if you are a binge eater. I'd love the support just as much as I'd love to give it.



  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Hi Nicole,

    Well you are off to a good start. I too can binge eat for days. Then go on the guilty girl. For me I keep dark choc in the house. I do not buy chips or what I now call sure to kill ya food :angry: You know why buy it. Now I use the drive thru :grumble: But we all slip back. You are right the Food Diary is a real blessing. Seeing what and how much and oh my I really ate all that!! :laugh:

    I try to keep track of all exercise and there are some really good fitness challenges you may find fun.

    Hang in there. You will be fine.

    I will send you a friend request.

    Lutz Fl