Questions about Slim Fast plan

As I've mentioned before, I don't have a ton of weight to lose. Maybe 10-12 pounds.

I'm thinking of kinda sorta "crash dieting" using the Slim Fast plan to get the first few pounds off. The shakes are about 200 calories each, so one of those for breakfast and another for lunch is about 400 calories, then if I snack on fruit and eat a healthy dinner in the evening, I'd be around 1000 calories.

Keep in mind I have a sedentary job, and I'm 5'4" tall. My calorie goal is set to 1200, but I might "need" more of a deficit to lose a pound a week. I'm thinking that 1000 a day might not be "starvation mode" for me. Of course I would go by how I felt and not walk around hungry all day, every day.

Then, after the first few weeks and first 5 pounds or so, I'd switch to doing "normal" MFP without the shakes. Just thinking the shakes might make it easier for me to cut a bit more weight a little more quickly.



  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm not really sure that's the right answer. I mean, sure you'll lose weight, but wouldn't you do that if you actually ate something with substance than drinking it? Also, what's the hurry? Is there a wedding or something.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    honestly, i think natural foods would be so much better for you in the long run. slim fast shakes are pumped full of chemicals and sugars that are horrible for your body. If you really want to do the shake thing, you can buy a canister of quality protein powder and mix that with some milk.

    but if you change your eating habits and exercise more regularly, your chances of keeping the weight off is greater. It is honestly a lifestyle change, and if you don't change your lifestyle, the weight you lose will come back
  • Rubes
    Rubes Posts: 28 Member
    From what I have seen with other people, you will loose it fast and then gain it right back. Slow weightless is the best way to go. Remember that it took months and years to gain it, it might take that long to loose it! Good luck and we are here to support you!
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Also, what's the hurry? Is there a wedding or something.
    Yep, this.
  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I tried the Slim Fast a few years ago. I was always hungry and really don't think they're that healthy. I'd go with real foods. You can make a great fruit smoothie for breakfast with about 225 calories and I'm sure that would be a lot better for you.
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    Also, what's the hurry? Is there a wedding or something.
    Yep, this.

    Kinda yeah. Not a wedding, but there's an occasion in Feb that I'd like to look my best possible for.

    And I do get what others are saying, it was just an idea. And it wouldn't be a long-term thing, maybe 3 weeks tops, just for a jump start. I've done MFP before and got cocky, like "Oh, I know how to eat right NOW". Yeah... no. LOL I put on the weight I lost within a month.

    So, I do know how to eat right, change my habits, and be more active. I'm not looking for a quick fix, rather a quick start.
  • monoxidechick
    This was my first choice when deciding that I was going to lose weight and do it for real this time. I began with slim fast and found this site the same day. I stuck to the plan for about two weeks while logging everything. I feel that it helped me with the first transition stage as I got a feel for how much I should be eating and what 1200 cals should be portioned out through the day. I did begin losing, but I just felt like it wasnt food and I was just filling my body to take up those calories. I quickly got the hang of counting calories and what foods where better choices and replaced the shakes with food.

    After replacing the shakes with food I felt more in control of my meals and had more energy and felt more satisfied. I still continued to lose the weight and would not go back to the shakes because the right foods do the same thing for weight loss. I have a few left in the fridge and figure that they will be a quick grab if I really need breakfast but run out of time or something, but I havent done it yet, I always find a banana and almonds, or yogurt to grab instead.

    It wouldnt hurt to try and see how you feel, but I wouldnt plan on losing more than the 2 lbs a week even if you think that you need to do it fast, it will be more rewarding and healthy to take the slow route, at least that is what I am starting to believe and feel.

    Good luck with your choice and your journey.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    My opinion is "bad idea." But- if you are dead set on doing a shake for breakfast, 1 for lunch- read the label. Does drinking OIL sound appealing? Slim Fast and the majority of shakes on the market that are sold in grocery chains are full of oil and other chemicals you cannot pronounce. Just thinking of that made me lose my appetite. Just do some research as I know first hand there are some better for you shake products on the market that don't contain oil as an ingredient.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I did Slim Fast for 5 weeks about 10 years ago because I was in a similar situation as you.


    OMG, I was so hungry all the time, I was cranky and moody, and I didn't lose that much weight. At all. I had only lost about 5 pounds total, which I could have lost eating healthy whole foods anyway since that's 1 pound per week...

    And guess what happened in week 6 and beyond? I gained 5 pounds back exceedingly fast and then more some.

    Quick fixes/crash diets set yourself up to failure...and can slow your metabolism making it harder to lose the weight when you decide to do it right. I found that out the hard way and wish I wasn't so stubborn and had actually listened to the advice that I was getting about proper nutrition and exercise.
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    Well, after hearing what you guys had to say, and talking with a few other people, here's what I've decided to go with:

    A fruit and soy milk smoothie for breakfast with a splash of protein powder, then a nutrition bar for lunch (a good brand, like Kind, LaraBar, Luna or similar) and a "regular" dinner with fruits and veggies in between as snacks if I get hungry. I'll give that a shot for a couple weeks and see what happens and how I feel about it.
  • sunshine7966
    I so did not know all of this!! Thanks for the information. I did a little research after reading and I will definitely not be drinking Slim-Fast anymore. I must find a replacement, any ideas??