Healthy snack suggestions please?

My problem is that I love food... and lots of it. I'd like to try to pick up several different snacks maybe about 100 cal or less each, but I'm not sure of the options. A lot of the times I want to eat, but can't because I will have gone over my calorie limit for the day. Does anyone know of anything like this? I'd want these to be either really simple to make or already pre-made.


  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    -- Hummus and veggies.
    -- Apple slices and raw almond butter
    -- Air popped popcorn
    -- Fresh seasonal fruits
    -- Salsa and baked corn tortillas (bake them in the oven)

    There are lots!!
  • Sparklewolfie
    I have this problem too!

    -veggie sticks
    -small amount of nuts
    -apple, guava, dragonfruit, etc. (lower cal fruits)
    -dark chocolate (I like 80% or more)
  • Drei
    Drei Posts: 9
    -- Hummus and veggies.
    -- Apple slices and raw almond butter
    -- Air popped popcorn
    -- Fresh seasonal fruits
    -- Salsa and baked corn tortillas (bake them in the oven)

    There are lots!!

    Popcorn does the trick for me...try it with a little lemon juice (no butter), sounds weird but it's great I think!
    Also milk shakes...or smoothies with a sprinkle of protein powder if you're into that. I find it fills you up for a long time.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    For dessert I like to freeze bananas and sprinkle cinnamon over the top. I swear it almost tastes like ice cream because of the richness of the bananas and the cinnamon makes me think it's sweet.
  • Noelleinaz
    Noelleinaz Posts: 5 Member
    I really like the kashi granola bars in the pumpkin flax flavor. It is nice that they have 2 skinny bars so if you just want something under 100 calories have one. It fills you up and it is good for you.
  • Noelleinaz
    Noelleinaz Posts: 5 Member
    OOOO! I almost forgot one of my favs! Celery with LIGHT cream cheese. Figure out how much light cream cheese is 90 cal. the amount of celery to go with that should be about 10 cal. maybe 2 stocks? OR use less cream cheese and put sunflower seeds on top!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Everyone has great suggestions but I just wanted to mention that exercising will earn you more calories to eat... as well as doing wonders for your heart and physical appearance. If I know I plan or want to go over- I add in some additional work outs to my regular exercise regimen. :)
  • LetItBe4Sanity
    LetItBe4Sanity Posts: 41 Member
    I lovelovelove fat-free yogurt with fresh fruit. Frozen grapes. Shrimp cocktail. Salad with either light sour cream or fresh salsa.

    I'm sure I could think of more... but I'm tired after working out! "Clintswifey" is definitely correct in regards to exercise, though. I'm a huge snacker, and now that I've started actually working out and going to gym classes, I tend to not even reach my daily goal!
  • BoresEasily
    Carrots and cucumber are crazy low in calories.
  • jgcothen
    jgcothen Posts: 1 Member
    I like the popcorn, 140 cal for 2 tbs unpoped (2-3 cups poped),
    yogert 100-150 cal,
    chereo treets (Homeade <100 cal)
    and My all time Favorite PICKELS 0cal
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Laughing cow light cheese wedges -- assorted flavors are only 35 calories each! Make sure you buy the light variety. The entire line of low fat Skinny Cow ice creams. Try the no sugar added Skinny Cows -- not bad at all -- about 130 calories. My favorite are Snyder sourdough hard pretzels! I think they are 100 calories for a large pretzel and they have no fat and no sugar!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    plain greek yogurt (maybe a 1/4 or 1/3 of a cup) with a pinch of granola on top is very filling. lots of protein fills you up

    2 or 3 clementines or a banana

    1/2 ounce of cheese with a few healthy crackers

    actually milk too--I make myself a cappachino w/ 1/2 cup 2% milk in the afternoon sometimes and it fills the void until dinner.
  • rayfromtx
    100% whey protein shake made with skim milk and cocoa powder and crushed ice. It has a little fiber, is low carb and has lots of protein. It is filling and gets me through to the next meal.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I like a wedge of laughing cow light with some flatbread crackers. Depending on the crackers the calories are around 155. For an even healthier snack I like to get the blue cheese light laughing cow wedges and spread them on peeled seeded cucumbers. I cut the cucumbers lengthwise and make little boats and then spread on the laughing cow. Those are so delicious!
  • katrinadizzle
    How do I find the calorie-count of vegetables and fruits? Lol, all of your suggestions are really great! I really liked the frozen banana one, I've never heard of that before. I'm definitely running out to the store tonight to stock up on some of these things :)
  • jac777
    jac777 Posts: 13
    about ten years ago, when i did slimfast, i had a lot of trouble keeping on track with my calories. i would do the shakes and then have a real dinner, but because my palette was so bored, i would gorge at dinner. now i find, as long as i like what i'm eating, it doesn't matter how small a portion i get, so i measure out a 1/4 cup of trailmix, eat some hummus and veg, apple and cheese slices, hard-boiled eggs. i love cottage cheese and mustard (don't knock it till you try it) and i'll mix in some black beans with that sometimes. but before i eat, i always time myself and make sure i take at least 20 minutes to eat. it's a good way to make sure i don't over-eat, but it also forces me to appreciate and taste my food. there are even a few things i found out i didn't really like the taste of that i had previously not wanted to cut from my diet! and vice versa - i had no idea i liked goat cheese so much until i was looking for some more flavorful cheese - as i was using much less of it. i just say this to suggest keeping it interesting and eating things you really like, and slowly, and you'll find that you can keep within your calorie count and be mentally and physically satisfied.
  • Cristy_AZ
    My new fav is sliced cucumber with just a little sea salt!

    I also always keep 100 calorie bags of micro popcorn on hand at work!
  • julesus
    QUARK: a great and versatile cheese product. super low in cals and high in protein. mix with salsa, and use as dip. Can be used as a sub for sour cream, cottage cheese, cream cheese. 1/2 cup serving is 70 cals and 13 gr. protein.