Feeling extremely discouraged :(

Around two years ago I lost 20kg. I went from 70kg to 50kg, however over christmas I gained 7kg which I put half of it down to the medication I was on which a common side affect was weight gain and increased eating. I stopped taking that medication and it's been about a month that I've been eating much healthy and doing some moderate exercise (which was the same sorta routine that I did when I lost the initial 20kg) but the scale hasn't budged at all in a month and I am literally upset. I feel as though it's next to impossible to lose weight now (I know it can't be true) but that is how I feel ATM because I haven't lost any weight despite my efforts. What do you guys do to feel motivated and get back on track to lose weight when you haven't lost any weight? I think I might have to step up my game and exercise more each week. I just don't understand why it's proving so difficult to lose the extra 7kg, when I lost all the weight 2 years ago and I was down to the last 10kg, I lost it pretty steadily and consistently each week and seemed so easy and now it seems so hard! No Idea what is the problem.

Ugh! sorry for the mini rant/emo post, i just really need to hear some support and encouragement.


  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    It may purely be emotional - looking back, you may have found it 'easy' to lose that same weight, but you may very well have been working harder and just not realising it because you had so much motivation from previous success, and exercise may have felt more natural at that point. It is not the same 7kg as you lost last time, so you will not lose it the 'same' way.

    I say (while I attempt to follow this exact same advice), try not to worry about it, keep doing what you know is right (eating less, moving more) and stay patient, the kgs will come off :) there's no harm in kicking up your exercise intensity however, if you feel you aren't giving it 100%.
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    I look at pictures at my worse and at my best. Also, a favorite piece of clothing that does not fit or that is ill fitting can be a great aid. As shallow as it sounds I focus on how I look rather than thinking of health benefits and that seems to help. Of course, then there's the added bonus of feeling better.

    If you are not losing weight you might want to look into stepping up your game. Maybe you need to increase your exercise and/or eat better than you have been. You are correct in your assertion that it is IMPOSSIBLE to not lose weight if you are taking the right steps.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I get my motivation from myself, and when that fails, I have lots of friends here on MFP that keep me accountabe. I just keep going no matter what!