is the exercise machine correct?or is myfitness correct?

hi my name is Amanda, I'm new to this whole thing I am being very strict on myself I want to lose a massive amount of weight so I'm making a complete lifestyle change I'm not on a diet I am eating healthier knocking out fast food and junk food and introducing a lot of fruits and vegetables to my diet. I want to exercise every day that way I'm not consuming as many calories I wish I had the stamina to work off as many calories as I eat but that's notthat easy. The elliptical machine is my favorite but when it tells me that I've burned so many calories and I log on my exercise to my fitness My Fitness tells me that I've burned more calories in than the machine says why is that?which one is more accurate, the machine or this app?


  • Reprocess
    Reprocess Posts: 43 Member
    Myfitnesspal is known for having the estimate of calories burned set way to high. I would in your case trust the machine over it.

    I can highly suggest you get a pulswatch with a belt and have that measure your calories burned.
  • mandyleec12
    my phone automatically does thatso I should be able to just use my phone right
  • ChloeBear414
    Often times I wondered the same when i first started. I would trust the machine calibrated to count calories lost for example your elliptical or fitbit over the app. I tend to modify the exercise entries on the app to fit what the machine has said i have burned. Also good for you! This is quite the lifestyle change! Don't limit yourself to only what the gym has to offer as opposed to natural cardio workouts you do without machinery ie: biking, jogging, walking, stair climbing etc.! Those count too!! Good luck!
  • mandyleec12
    Ok. Thank u. that was some pretty good input I appreciate it.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Nothing will be 100% accurate in tracking cals burned, but MFP is notorious for crediting too many calories for exercise. Most of the people I have read who have lost a lot of weight here say to eat back half the extra calories that MFP gives you, so you eat enough to fuel your workout, but don't risk over eating.
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    In terms of elliptical" The calculation MFP uses is based on a strenuous workout. I found it matched the machine very closely when the machine was on resistance 15 and pace was "fast" (>10 min mile) If you cruise along at resistance 2 chatting with the person next to you, the MPF calculation is WAY off. If you push really hard, and can't talk... then you are probably close to what MFP gives.

    I just take what the machine says, cut in in half, and use that as the number to be safe.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    None of them are going to be 100% accurate, as they are all based on estimates. Just pick one, use that number consistently, and adjust as needed over time.

    That said, why are you trying to burn off all the calories you eat? That's completely unnecessary and unhealthy. MFP has your deficit built in. Eat up to your calorie goal. Eat back half of your exercise calories. Be patient.
  • Italianma7
    Italianma7 Posts: 83 Member
    I recommend buying a hrm, The calories are pretty accurate based on my experience. I have the polar ft7 and I love it. I use it when I work out. I also have a fitbit for everyday use.
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    None of them are going to be 100% accurate, as they are all based on estimates. Just pick one, use that number consistently, and adjust as needed over time.

    That said, why are you trying to burn off all the calories you eat? That's completely unnecessary and unhealthy. MFP has your deficit built in. Eat up to your calorie goal. Eat back half of your exercise calories. Be patient.

    This is the best advice. This is an iterative process that requires good judgement and active decision-making. Don't waste time attempting to increase accuracy beyond the system's precision.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I take what the elliptical gives me after putting in my age and weight. If I burn 300 MFP will try to give me 475 for the same 30 minutes. Better safe than sorry.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Ive always ignored the machines estimates although I do take note of the concepts output. A HRM where you will have put in your weight and age is probably better. At least 80% of your weight loss will come from a calorie controlled deficit.

    Whilst doing CV then dont go at it too hard and try to introduce some variety or you will get burnout as well as get bored. Try doing different things like swimming, a sport or a class that you can enjoy.

    I would also consider doing some strength/resistance training as well, most people do both becayse they both have health benefits and other advantages. Just read the forums and they explain everything.

    The message is pretty consistent on MFP.