hi my names Amanda, & I am a junk food junkie!

like I. have put on recent post I'm having a really hard time with letting go of the Sweets. I have kids and I would like to teach them to eat healthier like I am doing to myself now.. is there any cookie brownie or cake recipes that are low in calories without using artificial sweetener. I know on Facebook people are always posting these cookies that are made with chickpeas versus flower has anybody ever tried these? Please with recipes that you have Triedthat are healthy..and low in calories. any tricks of the trade would be helpful to trick the brain that you're eating sweet


  • PurrlyGirl
    PurrlyGirl Posts: 59 Member
    Not really something you cook, but I sometimes make a "banana ice cream" smoothie. Peel ripe bananas, freeze them, and then when you want to make this, pop two in a blender with a cup of 1% milk (roughly 310 calories for the whole thing) and blend until super smooth. Pour into a cup to drink/spoon out. Less milk makes it thicker, but I find one cup is pretty perfect for me. Also good with fat free Reddi Whip on top for extra sweetness, but I usually don't even bother because it's sweet and tasty on its own. My kiddos love it, and so do I. It's very similar in my opinion to ice cream and it's not loaded with added sugars. And you can have it for breakfast (like I did today :laugh: ) without feeling like you're doing something bad.

    This makes enough for a pretty big glass with some left over. I often split it with whichever kid is helping out the most that day.
  • mandez19