Intro and Cry for Help!

Happy Football Day!

My name is Amber and I'm 24 years old. I have been struggling with weight loss since I entered college in 2008. I was put on prednisone after pulling my back out at dance practice in my freshman year. I gained so much weight and I kind of just kept ignoring it. This year I was diagnosed with PCOS and now I am trying to get serious about weight loss, but I have a hard time finding the motivation and time.

Sometimes I feel like people use lack of time as an excuse, so I am trying to avoid saying that. I work full time and go to school full time, my life is full of stress and scheduling. I really want to change my life back to where it was, but it makes it hard when I work 2 hours from where I live and go to school full-time. Not to mention, PCOS makes it very difficult to lose weight.

If anyone has an suggestions about losing weight with PCOS or finding time to work-out or eating on a budget, that would be EXTREMELY helpful.

Nice meeting everyone!



  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Amber!

    Sorry I don't have any tips on PCOS, but we all definitely have challenges in our lives some more than others. I understand you have long days. I feel like that actually may benefit you in weight loss, especially in terms of food. Since MFP is about keeping track of your calories/macros, it might benefit you to plan your meals ahead of time and take them with you as you travel. You don't necessarily have to buy the most expensive foods. For example, at my Walmart, they are selling the Bird's Eye Steam Fresh microwavable vegetables for $1 each. You could buy a few of those and there are so many varieties: brown rice, asparagus, potatoes, corn, mixed vegetables... they also have mac and cheese. Just read each serving size. A food scale woud be good, but I understand what it's like to be on a budget. Walmart (I am not being paid) also has frozen chicken patties too-- again: microwavable, they have frozen fish: salmon, tilapia... Once you start earning more, you can do whatever you like, but those are some of the things I did, and still do.
    Good luck!!
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I haven't read much on the PCOS topic, but I seem to recall that reducing carbs seems to help with weight loss as well as any symptoms. Sorry I can't sight my source, but that might be a starting block for you. Unfortunately eating low carb isn't especially budget friendly...but it can be made to work. Good Luck!
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi Amber,

    I too suffer from PCOS, and until recently was studying and working full time (I have since graduated) I understand what you mean about finding the time but trying not to make it an excuse. I am just starting over again as I had some major health struggles recently that put me back at the beginning but I am determined to beat this weight thing.

    In the past the three things that contributed to my success the most were:

    1) tracking all my food and exercise
    2) weighing everything, not just going by the number of something based on the nutritional info on the package
    3) when I couldn't find time to exercise I stuck to between 1200-1300 calories a day, but on exercise days I eat back at least half my exercise calories.

    I can say I did have success with reducing carbs, I try to not be over 100 a day, but would like to get it lower. However, I know that thus does not work for everyone with PCOS.

    If you would like to add me you are more than welcome.