Resolutions! ! !

Yes I know cliche but who cares. It's about to be a new year and that means RESOLUTIONS!!! Other than to lose more weight what are some of your new years resolutions?

Cut back on smoking - I know should be quit but I really do love my cigarettes so I am trying to be gentle
Get a new JOB!!!! this is a big big big one!!!
Be better about logging all my food, I have slacked in the last few weeks.
and the big one, this is kind of for my husband since in 12 years he says this has never occured, buy a nice black dress and actually wear it on a night out with the hubby.

Alright people let's hear yours!


  • jschwarz3531
    Amber, my resolutions are similar!

    Cut back to eventually quit smoking- I've set my quit date for one week after Superbowl Sunday....end of the temptation season, hopefully! Along with that, cut back on drinking (which will help with the smoking too, hehe)

    Be more proactive about what I eat- I live at home, and I am exhausted when I get home from work (I am a teacher) so I'll just eat whatever my family is eating- and most of the time, that isn't good!!

    Exercise 3 times a week, 20 minutes each day- I know this seems small, but I just cannot get myself to even do this much. Right now I'm only getting myself to do it one to two times a week : /

    Good luck to you and everyone else wiith their goals!!
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    Starting out small with workouts is great cause it's something! I still have a hard time making myself do more than 30 minutes.