Beef Stroganoff

JosephJ1983 Posts: 22 Member
1 1/2 pounds beef tenderloin – cut in thin strips
2 Tablespoons finely diced or grated white onion
4 Tablespoons butter
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 cups beef bouillon (beef broth)
1/4 cup sour cream
8 Tablespoons heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
salt to taste
4-6 oz can of sliced mushrooms, drained (optional)
1 egg yolk
1 package low carb pasta

Sautè beef and onion in butter and oil (mixture of both) in a heavy skillet (about 5 minutes). Slowly add broth to beef, stirring well. Bring to a boil. Combine sour cream, cream, paprika, pepper and salt. Slowly stir sour cream mixture into beef mixture. Turn heat to low and bring to a bare simmer. Cook 15-20 minutes, stirring frequently and never allowing mixture to boil. Beat one egg yolk, then add a bit of the hot mixture to the yolks. Beat again, add a bit more, then when yolk mixture is heated, add to balance of sauce to thicken. In last 2-3 minutes add mushrooms if you are using them.

Serve over cooked low-carb pasta.

Serves 6.   4.5 grams per serving for stroganoff; add pasta carbs according to package.