
Hi all,

Hope everyone is feeling good today!

Just wanted to get people's opinions on water intake. I swear by a greater water intake helping with weight loss, more energy, better skin etc. but I do drink a lot of flavoured water in addition to my 'normal' water mostly because I don't drink tea etc.

I've heard bad things about flavoured water in that it is just as bad as certain other drinks. I struggle to see how. Any opinions?

Thanks all!


  • nzchikky
    nzchikky Posts: 304 Member
    I had to force myself to drink more water first few weeks cos I just drank fizzy and juice all the time. But now its all I drink and like you my skin is so much better for it and I feel a lot better each day. I sometimes flavour it with stevia packets like berry flavour or lemon etc. I would rather make my own flavoured water because I know whats in it unlike the shop bought ones so I make my own just incase. EDoing wonders for my weight loss so far :) I drink about 2 litres or so
  • Marbella29660
    Marbella29660 Posts: 71 Member
    Flavoured water equals additives, that's my opinion!
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    Any water that you get form any source will be treated the exact same way by your body. You get water from fruits and veggies, drinks with sugar, diet drinks, tea, coffee, and just plain ol' water. If your pee is pale yellow, you're getting plenty of water. The source doesn't matter as long as you're logging anything with calories and sticking to your goals.