I'm scared of "fridge food"!



  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    You do know that that meat stays in the fridge for a while at the shop before you by it, right? It doesn't just get thrown out if nobody buys it, that's why they have sell by dates.

    My uncooked meat, if the pack is unopened, stays in there until it gets eaten or maybe a day past it's sell by. For most this is less than a week, but other things like bacon can last weeks (if unopened of course) After opening I try to eat it within 3 days regardless of the date. I have a butcher for a boyfriend and he goes on about food hygiene if it's left longer than that.

    As far as cooked food goes, maybe one day. Although I don't cook in bulk so I've never really tested out the length of time I can keep that in there for.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Why don't you freeze things??
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    UNcooked meat, not very long in the fridge. A day or two until I cook it.
    Cooked meat, yeah 4-5 days to a week, as long as it's in a sealed container.
    Honestly I think a lot of people are pretty paranoid for no reason about food going bad.

    Me, too.

    I don't think about it much. If it looks or smells bad, I won't touch it.

    I have been known to drink milk up to a week past the date on the jug.. because it smelled and looked perfectly fine.

    I refrigerate cooked meat for about 4-5 days before I toss it. As long as it's sealed.

    Uncooked, not as long. But that's why I keep it frozen.

    Oh thank goodness someone else admits to the milk thing!!

    I agree completely with the milk - if it looks and smells fine, then it's fine to consume. I get a lot of judgement from work colleagues on that.

    On the other hand, I probably sneer at them somewhat when there's three days to go on the milk expiry and they won't touch it, even though it's been opened only that morning.

    Takes all types to make the world go round right? :smile:

    OP: uncooked meat 1-2 days. Cooked food/meat 4-5days. I bulk make food all the time b/c it's just me. I freeze pretty much everything.
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    I ask the butcher how long it keeps, whether I can still freeze the meat, etc... and trust their advice.
    Usually they tell me to proces of freeze the minced meat immediately.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    UNcooked meat, not very long in the fridge. A day or two until I cook it.
    Cooked meat, yeah 4-5 days to a week, as long as it's in a sealed container.
    Honestly I think a lot of people are pretty paranoid for no reason about food going bad.

    Me, too.

    I don't think about it much. If it looks or smells bad, I won't touch it.

    I have been known to drink milk up to a week past the date on the jug.. because it smelled and looked perfectly fine.

    I refrigerate cooked meat for about 4-5 days before I toss it. As long as it's sealed.

    Uncooked, not as long. But that's why I keep it frozen.

    Oh thank goodness someone else admits to the milk thing!!

    I agree completely with the milk - if it looks and smells fine, then it's fine to consume. I get a lot of judgement from work colleagues on that.

    On the other hand, I probably sneer at them somewhat when there's three days to go on the milk expiry and they won't touch it, even though it's been opened only that morning.

    Takes all types to make the world go round right? :smile:

    OP: uncooked meat 1-2 days. Cooked food/meat 4-5days. I bulk make food all the time b/c it's just me. I freeze pretty much everything.

    Totally agree. Milk is fine if tastes and smell good. That is an easy one.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    The colder you keep your fridge the longer things will stay fresh. I like to keep my fridge on the cold side. I keep a thermometer in it to make sure the setting is right and temp is 35 degrees. A too warm refrigerator and things will spoil much more quickly. When my fridge is set at 35 degrees, I will eat left overs for four three days. So cook on sunday, and I'll eat the food monday, tuesday and wednesday. Currently I'm living in Tunisia and borrowing a crappy fridge from my in-laws I don't have a thermometer but I know the fridge is not nearly cold enough. I will eat left overs the next day but not beyond that. Even milk needs to be drunk within two or three days of opening. I can't stress enough how important fridge temperature is!!!
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,553 Member
    UNcooked meat, not very long in the fridge. A day or two until I cook it.
    Cooked meat, yeah 4-5 days to a week, as long as it's in a sealed container.
    Honestly I think a lot of people are pretty paranoid for no reason about food going bad.

    Me, too.

    I don't think about it much. If it looks or smells bad, I won't touch it.

    I have been known to drink milk up to a week past the date on the jug.. because it smelled and looked perfectly fine.

    I refrigerate cooked meat for about 4-5 days before I toss it. As long as it's sealed.

    Uncooked, not as long. But that's why I keep it frozen.

    Oh thank goodness someone else admits to the milk thing!!

    I agree completely with the milk - if it looks and smells fine, then it's fine to consume. I get a lot of judgement from work colleagues on that.

    On the other hand, I probably sneer at them somewhat when there's three days to go on the milk expiry and they won't touch it, even though it's been opened only that morning.

    Takes all types to make the world go round right? :smile:

    OP: uncooked meat 1-2 days. Cooked food/meat 4-5days. I bulk make food all the time b/c it's just me. I freeze pretty much everything.

    ^This. In my house, milk/yogurt/sour cream/bread all get consumed past the sell by date so long as they don't smell funky. You can tell by look/scent when dairy in particular goes bad. Same for meat. If it's bad, you can tell. As for cheese, it doesn't last long enough for this to happen, but I'll just cut off moldy bits and eat the rest.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Meat, cooked then refrigerated, I eat for a good 4-5 days. It in no way goes bad overnight.

    yep. also you could put what you make in the freezer if you wont use it the next day then take it out the day you plan to use it. I do this a lot if I ever have leftovers. its as fresh as the day you put it in as long as you eat within the month or so.
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Uncooked: until its use-by date (sometimes a day or 2 over, if it looks and smells OK- but NOT chicken)
    Cooked: 3 days (after that, I'd freeze it)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    UNcooked meat, not very long in the fridge. A day or two until I cook it.
    Cooked meat, yeah 4-5 days to a week, as long as it's in a sealed container.
    Honestly I think a lot of people are pretty paranoid for no reason about food going bad.

    Me, too.

    I don't think about it much. If it looks or smells bad, I won't touch it.

    I have been known to drink milk up to a week past the date on the jug.. because it smelled and looked perfectly fine.

    I refrigerate cooked meat for about 4-5 days before I toss it. As long as it's sealed.

    Uncooked, not as long. But that's why I keep it frozen.

    Oh thank goodness someone else admits to the milk thing!!

    I agree completely with the milk - if it looks and smells fine, then it's fine to consume. I get a lot of judgement from work colleagues on that.

    On the other hand, I probably sneer at them somewhat when there's three days to go on the milk expiry and they won't touch it, even though it's been opened only that morning.

    Takes all types to make the world go round right? :smile:

    OP: uncooked meat 1-2 days. Cooked food/meat 4-5days. I bulk make food all the time b/c it's just me. I freeze pretty much everything.

    My co-worker is a bio/chemist type- we leave stuff out ALL the time- and he laughs b/c one lady is paranoid about it- cream cheese- gets left out all the time- and he says it's 100% fine.

    Same with yogurt- b/c well it's already fermenting- if you leave it out- it's just fermenting faster that's all. But it's not going to kill you if you leave it out and then eat it.

    But I don't even check milk dates really- I sniff test test first to get a feel- if I check the date I mentally wig myself out- as long as it smells fine- usually you're fine.

    As for me- I cook in bulk on Sunday- I usually eat the same thing for lunch/dinner so I can clear my fridge of that food by Wed dinner or Thurs lunch- if I've got so much I'm not going to make it- by Thursday I freeze it.