Gaining Weight after Starting to Work Out

Hi I haven't been to the gym for about 7-8 months and I decided to go back to stay healthy and relieve stress from school. The past couple days I started working out for one hour a day and I've been gaining weight. I haven't been over eating but I'm eating my exercise calories enough to net 1100 calories and I'm using a HRM minister a polar ft4 to measure the calories burn. I also weight my food and everything. Is it DOMS or water retention? when will I stop gaining weight? Before that I've been loosing weight without exercise it was just I wanted to be fit since I felt out of shape from no exercise from the past couple months.


  • tuxedord2
    tuxedord2 Posts: 69 Member
    Probably water. Give it a week.
  • skaffle
    skaffle Posts: 29 Member
    Well it's hard to say why you would be gaining any weight given the info you provided.
    Is it DOMS? No, d.o.m.s. simply refers to delayed onset muscle soreness.
    Is it water retention? Maybe. I suppose it could be possible since you have been away from the gym for a while there might be extra fluid building up around your joints, but it seems unlikely.
    Also, next to impossible that it is new muscle @1100 net cals.

    How much weight are you gaining and is it fluctuating on a daily basis?
  • Yes it's been fluctuating but like I think I gain 2-3 pounds in these couple of days.
  • skaffle
    skaffle Posts: 29 Member
    Okay, 2-3 pounds is within normal body weight flux.
    If it has only been a coupe days I would just stick with your routine and keep an eye on your weight for the next 8 or 9 days.

    It sounds like you are meticulous in your tracking, but it can't hurt to remind you to be sure you track any liquid calories you may be consuming, which could be throwing you off.
    Good luck.
  • Alright thanks for the help. (:
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    An increase of a few pounds is very common when starting a new workout or changing your routine. Your body retains extra water to help repair your muscles. The extra pounds will be gone in 1-2 weeks once your body has adjusted :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Muscles retain water while they're repairing, so this is totally normal.